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Updated by Ron Houtman on Jan 28, 2015
Headline for SAT® Resources for Michigan Students
Ron Houtman Ron Houtman
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SAT® Resources for Michigan Students

Here are a few resources that might be helpful for the Michigan transition to the SAT® as an 11th grade statewide assessment.

Michigan eLibrary - College Preparation Center

Visit the Michigan Electronic Library and use the "Practice Tests" link to enter the College Preparation Center. Look for the SAT Practice Tests and other materials.

SAT Information and Practice

Get ready for the SAT with official sample questions, a full-length practice test, study tips, and new video tutorials from Khan Academy.

SAT Preparation Site

If you're taking the SAT soon, you can start preparing today with questions from real SATs. After all, we believe all students who want to go to college should be able to prepare for the SAT at their own pace, at absolutely no cost.

  • For the past 13 years, Ron has worked at the Kent Intermediate School District and Kent Career Technical Center both teaching in the classroom and supporting educator professional development.


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