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Updated by Charles Ray on Jan 18, 2016
Headline for My 10 Best Photo Blogs of 2014
Charles Ray Charles Ray
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My 10 Best Photo Blogs of 2014

Here are my top 10 photography blogs posted in 2014

Photo Challenge: Fray

The Daily Post photo challenge for the week is ' Fray.' This is a word that can have many different meanings, so how would you show it photographically? Here's my interpretation - I'd be interested in your comments on why you think I picked this photo:

Photo Challenge: Split Second Story

I first saw Fayetteville, NC in the 1960s when I reported to Ft. Bragg for Special Forces training. Hay Street in the downtown center was a strip of bars, clubs and dives that had given the city the nickname 'Fayettenam,' a play on Vietnam. It wasn't a place you'd want to take your family -...

Photography: Cactus Forest, Saguaro National Park, Arizona

Views and Commentary on Just About Everything (by Charles Ray)

Photography: Lion in a Tree

Views and Commentary on Just About Everything (by Charles Ray)

Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

The photo challenge this week is Abandoned and that brought to mind this old barn in the forest behind my house.

Travel Theme: Birds

The subject this week from Alisa's blog Where's My Backpack is Birds. I love taking photos of birds, mainly because they move so fast and are so skittish, they're difficult to capture. Here are a few of my bird photos from around the world:

Weekly Photo Challenge: Converge (2)

In response to The Daily Post's weekly photo challenge: "Converge." My second shot at this theme. See the first one at

Weekly Photo Challenge: Converge

It's been a while since I did a Weekly Photo Challenge. This week's challenge is Converge. There are a number of ways to show lines meeting. I decided to go for some conventional and unconventional...

Photography 101: Triumph

I can't quit, though, without sharing a photo for the final assignment - Triumph. This dog gone bird, after chasing all the other birds away, shows triumph and bravado in every feather.

Photography 101: Double

Again, I think I'll let the photos speak for themselves. This is for Photography 101: Double.