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Updated by Karen Highland on Jun 10, 2018
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More Home Selling Advice for Frederick Sellers

A list of miscellaneous tips for selling your home.

Home Sellers: What to Do During a Showing

While the listing agent is holding the open house, or while the home is being shown by another agent, what should a seller do? First of all, every real estate professional who has ever written an opinion about it, agrees that the seller should not be around while their home is being shown.

Real Estate Settlement Procedures in Maryland

What takes place during the settlement or closing? Here are some definitions that will help explain the process. Closing or Settlement - The house is sold when the buyer and seller have reached a "meeting of the minds" and the contract has been ratified, or all signatures are final.

Frederick Area Service Providers

Moving in or around Frederick? Here is a list of Frederick area service providers that will help you in your move: Utilities Allegheny Power - Local utility provider Water - Frederick County Division of Utilities and Solid Waste Management, 301-600-1825 (Operations/Maintenance Department) 301-600-2194 (24-hour emergencies) Sewer - Frederick County Division of Utilities and Solid Waste Management, same as Water above.

Montgomery County Service Providers

Moving in or around Montgomery County? Here is a list of area service providers that will help you in your move: Utilities Telephone/Cell Phone Water & Sewer: Montgomery County Environmental Protection (Operations/Maintenance Department) Public Service Providers: MC311 - 311 is Montgomery County's phone line for non-emergency government information and services.

Ensure a Successful real estate settlement (Video)

Ensuring a successful real estate closing, the topic of this video chat with Dave Gormley, real estate attorney with Andrews Bongar Gormley & Clagett, Law offices in Southern Maryland. Dave shares tips applicable to all types of real estate transactions, tips for buyers, sellers, commercial real estate and short sales.

How NOT to Sabotage Your Home Sale

Congratulations, your home is under contract! By now, you're realizing that selling your Frederick home is not an event, it's a process. For most home sellers, the process of selling your home is not completely predictable. If you ever thought the process was somewhat scientific or even methodical, think again.

How to Inadvertently Sell Buyers on Your Competition

Sellers, its important to realize that when you sell your home, there are probably several homes on the market that are in the same price range, in comparable neighborhoods, and with similar features. I'll wager that unless your home is a one-of-a-kind, custom built, million dollar plus property, there are many similar homes that buyers will see.

Preparing For A Home Inspection

For both buyers and sellers home inspections are an important part of the process. Sellers will want to take the time to prepare for the inspection to get the best possible outcome. Preparing your home for inspection doesn't have to cost a lot of money.

What Is the home seller expected to repair on their home?

You've searched Frederick homes for sale, you found your dream home, negotiated an acceptable contract, and now here you sit with a home inspection report in your hands. What can you rightfully expect, according to the MAR (Maryland Association of Realtors) contract?* The Contract spells out what buyers home repair expectations should be.

Getting Your Home Ready for the Market

Getting Your Home Ready to sell takes some planning and some research. Find out how to put your best foot forward by knowing your market and your return on investment: