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Updated by Karen Highland on Jan 08, 2015
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Frederick Home Sellers' Resources

A list of the key articles to help Frederick Md home sellers have success when selling their home.

Selling Your Home = Life Interrupted

So you've decided to sell your home. You're probably involved in other life changes as well, like a new job, an addition to the family, a geographic move, or maybe you're downsizing. All of these can be exhilarating, also stressful. It's true, when you sell your home, your life undergoes a major interruption.

Glossary Of Real Estate Terms

Sometimes agents throw around real estate jargon like its common knowledge to all, when in fact, a lot of buyers and sellers don't always know what we're talking about. I thought I'd write a series of blogs to define some of these terms, at least the ones I think are important.

How to Determine List Price When Selling Your Home

Q: How can I really determine what my home is worth? An online estimate website says my property is worth $350,000, but my agent says it's worth only $300,000! I'm listed at $325,000, and my price is comparable to other similar listings. I really wonder about agents' motivations, if they're pricing to get an easy sale.

Sellers Myth: I Need to Price My Home Higher for Negotiating Room

We hear this statement very often, "I need to price my home higher for negotiating room." On first thought, this logic may make sense, but for real estate sales, it doesn't really work that way. In real estate, the very first step to negotiating, is getting people to come see your home.

Pricing Your Home Right From the Start

When it's time to sell your home, pricing your home competitively is one of the most important things to get right from the beginning. We all know that prices rose dramatically in the first half of the last decade, then came crashing down after 2007.

5 keys to getting your home sold

The advice for Frederick Md home sellers is prolific. I've been coming across articles for years with tips for staging, pricing and marketing. The truth is that there are still 5 basic truths, or 5 keys to getting your home sold: 1.

Real Estate Marketing - Photography And Video

When it comes to real estate marketing there is nothing more important than real estate photography. In fact it can make or break a sale very easily. One of the more remarkable things about real estate sales is there is a very big gap between the best Realtors® and those who cause us to question whether they should have chosen a different career.

Real Estate and Internet Marketing

Real estate and internet marketing is a popular topic; you'll probably hear a lot about it, especially if an agent is soliciting your listing. You should anyway. But very few buyers or sellers really understand the real estate industry and how listings are advertised on the various websites.

Myths About Real Estate and Social Media Marketing

Social Media has been in existence for most of us for less than a decade. Remember 2004? That was pre-Facebook. Pre-Twitter. Infancy of LinkedIn. In a few years, social media sites have attracted so many users that they rival large nations.

First Rule in Negotiating on a Home: Don't Let Emotions Rule

Buying or selling a home is not an event it's a process, we like to say. It's a process that's full of negotiations...

Real Estate Negotiating

Negotiating in a sales transaction is not an everyday occurrence (in America, anyway). We don't stand in line at the grocery store or the clothing store and haggle with the checkout employee over the prices of the products. We either buy, or not. On big items, like cars and houses, yes, we do negotiate.

Keep Drama Out of Real Estate

Whether you're buying a home or selling your home, the process can be stressful. After all, it's the biggest investment most people make, both financially and in life. Although sometimes emotions can run high, the process does not necessarily have to be full of drama. All involved can keep the transaction professional.