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Updated by Anita Clark Realtor on Sep 14, 2024
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Real Estate Information for Military Members

Real Estate Information for Military duty, retirees, and veterans.
Every Day In Middle Georgia Is Armed Forces Appreciation Day!

Tips to Help You Qualify for a VA Home Loan

These tips will help you better understand the VA Home Loan process and put you on the path to determine if you qualify. VA loans are not based solely on your credit score, as there are some additional criteria that must be met in some cases.

Key Elements to the VA Loan Limits and Guaranty

It is important to know and understand the restrictions that apply to getting a VA Home Loan. This article explains VA loan limits, down payment restrictions, and eligibility requirements.

Do I Qualify for a VA Loan Certificate of Eligibility?

You need a VA Loan Certificate of Eligibility (COE) if you are interested in applying for a VA mortgage. Once you have applied and been approved for eligibility status, your COE will be issued to you so that you can provide this document to your loan specialist at your bank or lending institution.

How Do I Get Pre-approved for a VA Loan

The VA Loan Pre-Approval Process does not take much time, in fact you can get it done in 5 steps. This makes it very easy for veterans of our armed services to acquire a home for a very affordable cost. In 2013, the Veterans Administration even raised the maximum mortgage limits in several major real estate markets around the country.

What is Verifiable Income for Obtaining a VA Loan

You really need to have kept good records so you can easily get to your financial information. During the pre-approval process you will be asked to show documentation of VA Loan Verifiable Income. This can be provided in any number of ways and from a wide variety of financial resources.

Do All Home Types Qualify for a VA Loan?

Nearly any type of traditional single family residence from modular homes to condos can be considered eligible under the VA loan program. Check with a VA lender for specific details.

How Important Are VA Appraisal Guidelines

Incredibly so. To qualify for a VA Loan, your future home must be inspected by a VA certified professional in order to ensure that the home falls under the strict protocol of the VA Appraisal Guidelines.

Incredible Veterans Day Discounts for our Military Personnel

There is no better way to display our appreciation for all that our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coast guard have done to preserve our freedoms than to offer them free and discounted services on Veterans Day. PLEASE check with the establishments you are going to visit before assuming the discount is still in-place.

VA Home Loans via Veterans United Home Loans

Prequalify for a $0 down VA Loan with the specialists at Veterans United Home Loans, the VA Loan destination for millions.

Military Service Fundamentals for Agents

When working with military buyers, you have to understand a few things about their military service. In addition to understanding the basics of the VA loan, you've got to understand how different stages of service can influence their home search and loan qualification. For many service members, military service is their first experience with a "real" job.

Robins Air Force Base Guide

This guide will help you if you are PCSing or relocating to Robins Air Force Base. More information for our military can be found here:

Key Things to Consider if Moving to Robins AFB

Are you relocating to Robins AFB? If so, the information in this guide will help. If you need a quality real estate agent to assist, Anita Clark (a retired military spouse) can help.

Tips to Find the Right Home During Your Transition

Transitioning to a new area can be stressful and bittersweet. If you are moving to the Warner Robins area there is plenty of good information in this article you may need to know.

Sponsored Local Businesses near Robins Air Force Base

Sponsored local businesses near Robins AFB arranged by category.

5 Concerns Relocating Military Homebuyers Have
We recently asked our social media followers what they found most challenging about relocating. Here are five of the issues we saw repeated again and again. I've put them together with some tips on how you, their real estate agent, can best serve the needs of your relocating homebuyers.
Tips to Choose a Quality VA Lender
When you are thinking about obtaining a mortgage, the very first step is finding a lender to work with you. A VA loan is different than any other type of mortgage and requires that specific guidelines be followed for the success of the loan.
VA Offers Worth Considering
Think back on your time as an agent. Have you ever come across a listing that accepted Conventional, FHA and USDA but didn't mention VA? I think most agents have seen at least one. There are sellers and agents who are hesitant to accept VA offers, often because of misconceptions.
Can I Use My VA Loan to Purchase a New Construction Home?

As far as I know there aren't any new home builders who don't have a VA home loan option and most of them also offer an incentive to active duty and retired military buyers as well.

4 Huge Benefits of VA Loans
VA home loans are making a huge difference for a new generation of military home buyers. During a time of tight mortgage lending, these government-backed loans are absolutely booming. The reason for the resurgence: VA loans provide some key home buying benefits that, when taken in total, other financing options can't match.
A Guide to VA Loan Work History and Qualification
Employment and income will be two major considerations in your quest to obtain VA home financing. Lenders will look at how long you've been employed, the types of jobs you've held and how many periods of unemployment are in your history. Checking your employment record gives lenders a clearer picture of your ability to repay a loan.
Resources for Agents Who Serve Military Buyers
Now it's your turn to serve. Pledge to ask all future clients the question and help our nation's heroes take advantage of their hard-earned benefits. "I Pledge to ask 'Did you serve?' ™ to every client, and help educate our nation's Veterans and military service members on the homebuying benefits they've earned through their service to our country."
Aid for Military Families Who Need It
Both the federal government and nonprofit organizations offer money for college to veterans, future military personnel, active duty personnel, or those related to veterans or active duty personnel. What financial aid does the government offer for military service or for family members of military personnel?
VA Loan Eligibility Requirements for National Guard and Reserve

VA loan eligibility for National Guard and Reserve members and veterans received a big boost more than two decades ago. The Veterans Home Loan Program Amendments of 1992 extended VA loan benefits to those who've served at least six years in the National Guard or Reserves.

VA Appraisal Timelines By State

VA Appraisal Timelines By State A required step along the path to VA loan approval, the VA appraisal takes place shortly after contract acceptance. The appraisal helps lenders calculate a home's reasonable market value and ensures the property measures up to the VA's Minimum Property Requirements (MPRs).

Determining Remaining VA Loan Entitlement

Foreclosure is understandably a bitter pill to swallow for a lot of military homeowners. But it's important to remember that defaulting on a home loan, even a VA-backed one, doesn't mean another VA loan is forever out of reach. The reality is it's possible to get another VA loan after experiencing a foreclosure, a short sale or a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.