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Updated by Brian Jones Francis on Dec 27, 2014
4 items   1 followers   0 votes   0 views

5 Best WordPress Sitemap Plugins

A list of the currently best free WordPress Sitemap plugins available.

5 Best WordPress Plugins to generate XML sitemap

A list of best WordPress XML sitemap plugins that sitemap files automatically to submit to search engines.

XML Sitemap in the WordPress SEO plugin • Yoast

There have been some questions after the release last weekend of the new XML sitemaps implementation in WordPress SEO. Let me try to address most of those questions in one post as well as explain the ideas behind it. The basic idea behind the rebuild of the XML sitemap functionality was simple: XML sitemaps needed…

All in One SEO Pack

is a WordPress SEO plugin to automatically optimize your WordPress blog for Search Engines such as Google.


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