V2 Cigs EX Are One Of My Favorite New Vaping Products of 2014 - They Bring A Serious Upgrade To A Category of Vapor Cigarette It's Rather Trendy To Shun.
With The Rise of Vape Pens and Portable Vaporizers in more mainstream use, and MINI E-Cigs, aka Cigalikes, being associated with the bastardly Big Tobacco Corps. it is understandable - and yet I think overly simplistic and unfortunate to assume 'Cig-a-Like = Bad' as frankly that is just not true.
I get why Big Tobacco is a huge turn-off. They are to me too, and the way in which they have attempted to wrench control of the industry through buying up brands and scaling up distribution via their long entrenched retail supply channels - ie. every store you can buy cigarettes and tobacco - strikes me as a good example of the asshole behavior so many of us associate with such goliath internationals.