Listly by Ieva Glūdiņa
Temper your jealousy, teachers. One can always dream.
Connect with your friends - and other fascinating people. Get in-the-moment updates on the things that interest you. And watch events unfold, in real time, from every angle.
10 ways to tap into the full educational potential of Twitter (from @medkh9) #edtech #edchat
"Jeff is an experienced and gifted communicator who generously shares his gifts with the education community through his podcast channel and site, TeacherCast. Jeff is always positive, encouraging, and vibrant in his interactions with others making them feel at ease on the air and in person.
This page is where you can find resources related to my presentations about creating effective blogs and websites to complement instruction. How to create a Blogger blog. How to turn on comment moderation in Blogger. How to add or subtract contributors to your Blogger blog. How to create an Edublogs blog.
You just cannot ignore the fact that when you think about searching online for your assignments and projects, the first name that comes to your mind is Google. However, when it comes to academic research, Google search engine does not serve the purpose as it does in most cas es.
Teach your students how to blog safely and securely using Kidblog in this online course from and Jeff Bradbury.
GeoGebra is a multi-platform mathematics software that gives everyone the chance to experience the extraordinary insights that math makes possible
Mēs ticam, ka mūsdienīga izglītība nav iedomājama bez moderno tehnoloģiju izmantošanas un kvalitatīvas e-izglītības attīstīšanas Latvijā. Tieši tāpēc Rīgas Tehniskā universiāte, balstoties uz veiksmīgo pieredzi augstskolā, veido plašu mācību satura krātuvi, kurā materiāli mācībām ir pieejami ikvienam interneta lietotājam bez maksas.
Daudzi ļaudis diemžēl vēl aizvien nezina par radošākas, brīvākas, mīlošākas, cilvēka paša vajadzībām atbilstošākas izglītības iespējām, kuras jau pastāv pasaulē vai strauji attīstās mūsdienās. Nezina, ka jau tagad var dzīvot un mācīties laimīgāk. Bet ja nojauš, tad tomēr nezina kā to panākt. Lai ietu tālāk, ir vērts dažreiz uzzināt par iespējām, kādas ir jau radītas. Tāpēc vajadzīgs savākt vienkopus zināšanas par tām. - interaktive und multimediale Lernbausteine