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Updated by David Sinden on Apr 12, 2024
David Sinden David Sinden
67 items   31 followers   317 votes   14.23k views

Best Anthems in the Anglican Choral Tradition

A quest to crowdsource a list of the best anthems ever.



Like as the hart - Herbert Howells

Like as the hart - Herbert Howells

It's awesome, jazzy and profound.


I was glad - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry

I was glad - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry

Ave verum corpus - William Byrd

Ave verum corpus - William Byrd

The whole thing is great, but man, that third chord . . .

And I saw a new heaven - Edgar Bainton

Profoundly moving setting of the text from Revelation


Faire is the Heaven - William Harris

Faire is the Heaven - William Harris

Hear My Prayer - Henry Purcell

Hear My Prayer - Henry Purcell

Two verses of scripture, eight voice-parts: among the most moving two minutes of music ever written.


If ye love me, keep my commandments - Tallis

If ye love me, keep my commandments - Tallis

If ye love me, keep my commandments - Tallis


Ubi caritas - Maurice Duruflé

Ubi caritas - Maurice Duruflé

Beati quorum via - Stanford

Beati quorum via - Stanford

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace - Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace - Samuel Sebastian Wesley

Evening Hymn - Balfour Gardiner

Evening Hymn - Balfour Gardiner

Rise up, my love,my fair one - Healy Willan

Rise up, my love,my fair one - Healy Willan

Orlando Gibbons: O clap your hands

Orlando Gibbons: O clap your hands

Perhaps the greatest Anglican anthem of them all

Lord let me know mine end - Greene (1696 - 1755)

Maurice Greene was, in many ways, the most naturally gifted of Handel's English contemporaries - "the one English composer of the period" according to JA Fuller-Maitland, "who undoubtedly deserves the honour of being mentioned in the same breath with the great masters of the continent".


O taste and see -- Vaughan Williams

O taste and see -- Vaughan Williams

Written for the coronation of Elizabeth II


Sing joyfully - William Byrd

Sing joyfully - William Byrd

It's joyful singing.


This is the Record of John - Orlando Gibbons

This is the Record of John - Orlando Gibbons

Countertenor solo AND viol consort. Money.


I sat down under his shadow - Edward C. Bairstow

I sat down under his shadow - Edward C. Bairstow

Lots of "Lord of the Rings" chord progressions.


Greater love -- John Ireland

Greater love -- John Ireland

God is gone up - Finzi

God is gone up - Finzi

O God, Thou Art My God - Henry Purcell

O God, Thou Art My God - Henry Purcell

Isn't this where we get the "Westminster Abbey" tune? How could it not be on the list?!

Here is the Little Door

"Here is the Little Door" by Herbert Howells, performed by the Roosevelt Academy Chamber Choir on the 6th of February 2010. Text: Here is the little door, lift up the latch, oh lift! We need not wander more but enter with our gift Our gift of finest gold.


Lo, The Full, Final Sacrifice - Gerald Finzi

Lo, The Full, Final Sacrifice - Gerald Finzi

Hosanna to the Son of David -- Orlando Gibbons

Hosanna to the Son of David -- Orlando Gibbons

We sang the Weelkes setting at Palm Sunday matins and the Gibbons setting the same day at Evensong. Quite a combination


Blessed City Heavenly Salem - Edward Bairstow

Blessed City Heavenly Salem - Edward Bairstow