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Updated by swissnex San Francisco on Dec 17, 2020
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20 Predictions for 2015

swissnex San Francisco staff predictions for 2015.


Robots salesman.

Robots salesman.

They are already greeting and carrying out customer transactions in Palo Alto, California. We expect to see more of that in 2015.


The fight against hackers and malware heats up. Security and privacy become big business.

The fight against hackers and malware heats up. Security and privacy become big business.

Flexible screens finally hit the market and open new design opportunities.

Flexible screens finally hit the market and open new design opportunities.

Micro-tasking becomes a buzzword.

Micro-tasking becomes a buzzword.

A low-tech movement emerges, similar to the slow-food movement.

A low-tech movement emerges, similar to the slow-food movement.

On a related note, books come back.

On a related note, books come back.

Virtual Reality in everyday life.

Virtual Reality in everyday life.

Oculus and Google will release VR headsets for consumers.


Personal online data “vaults" similar to banks arise.

Personal online data “vaults" similar to banks arise.

Move beyond interdisciplinary toward antidisciplinary.

Move beyond interdisciplinary toward antidisciplinary.

(as described by MIT Media Lab Director Joi Ito).


Robotic journalism.

Robotic journalism.

In March, 2014, the Los Angeles Times became the first paper to publish a story by the Quakebot algorithm, which takes US Geological Survey earthquake alert info and fills in a pre-written template. This will surely spread.


Falling tech stars.

Falling tech stars.

Expect to see social turmoil and employee exploitation push back on early startup success in the tech sector.


Insurance companies will begin offering products suited to the sharing economy.

Insurance companies will begin offering products suited to the sharing economy.

(e.g. incremental commercial coverage for Lyft and Uber drivers).


The average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco rises to $4k/month. Ugh.

The average cost of a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco rises to $4k/month. Ugh.

Solar power will be cheaper than traditional energy across states in the Western US.

Solar power will be cheaper than traditional energy across states in the Western US.

Smart city drones.

Smart city drones.