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Updated by Soubin Nath on Apr 02, 2015
Headline for 13 Questions To Ask While Watching A Movie
Soubin Nath Soubin Nath
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13 Questions To Ask While Watching A Movie

If You are a serious film buff or student, You have to keep reading movie by asking some questions to yourself. This can help you increase your command on film language and make more sense in watching movies. Here are those 13 questions...


Does the Beginning of the Film Get your Attention and Interest?

Does the Beginning of the Film Get your Attention and Interest?

Are You Able to Suspend the feeling of 'Disbelief'?

Are You Able to Suspend the feeling of 'Disbelief'?

Do the Characters Seem Real?

Do the Characters Seem Real?

Are the Dialogues have a Realistic Feeling or Not?

Are the Dialogues have a Realistic Feeling or Not?

Do the Characters' Action Make Sense in the Context of the Film?

Do the Characters' Action Make Sense in the Context of the Film?

Do the Story Moves along Keeping Your Attention all the Way?

Do the Story Moves along Keeping Your Attention all the Way?

Is the Story Confusing?

Is the Story Confusing?

Does the Story Build to an Existing or Exciting Climax?

Does the Story Build to an Existing or Exciting Climax?

Are any Scenes, Unnecessary in Particular Violent Scenes, Just Inserted for their own Sake?

Are any Scenes, Unnecessary in Particular Violent Scenes, Just Inserted for their own Sake?

Do the Sets, Lightings and Camera Shots add or Detract from the Film?

Do the Sets, Lightings and Camera Shots add or Detract from the Film?

Do the Sound Effects and Music Add or Detract from the Movie?

Do the Sound Effects and Music Add or Detract from the Movie?

Does the Movie end in a Logical Place or Stop too Soon or Go on too Long?

Does the Movie end in a Logical Place or Stop too Soon or Go on too Long?

Is it a Good Film-Why or Why Not?

Is it a Good Film-Why or Why Not?