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Updated by Defraire Flavien on Mar 27, 2015
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Stratégie de Contenu

Des articles sur les stratégies de contenu à adopter dans le cadre de lancement de campagne SOCIAL MEDIA + Outils à utiliser permettant la publication de contenu
7 Stratégies et Conseils pour Optimiser votre Campagne de Content Marketing | Emarketinglicious

Que ce soit pour des motivations personnelles ou professionnelles, vous avez décidé de vous lancer et de créer votre propre blog. Or, chaque jour, des millions de nouveaux posts affluent sur Internet. Si devenir son propre éditeur est désormais plus simple que jamais, il est de plus en plus difficile

5 Metrics Every Marketer Should be Watching

You can always rely on Einstein to give good quote. One of his most famous quotes accurately sums up the biggest challenge of digital marketing measurement: "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." The internet has given marketers many things, one of which is more ways to reach potential customers directly.

5 Steps to Audit Your Digital Marketing Strategy for 2015

Brian Honigman is a marketing consultant, speaker and freelance writer. For more insights on how to be a better marketer, sign up for Brian Honigman's weekly newsletter. This post originally appeared on the Digital Current blog. Legendary historian and documentarian James Burke famously said, "you can only know where you're going if you know where you've been."