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Updated by Antivia Software on Oct 02, 2015
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Top 10 charts and how to use them

We've put together a list of the 10 most useful charts, based on the DecisionPoint Components Library.
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Line chart

Line chart

Basic common chart that displays a series of data points connected by straight line segments. Good for showing trends over time.
Supports 2 options:
1) One or more measures are compared across a single dimension. Each measure (series) is displayed as a separate line.
2) A single measure is selected for comparison across a primary dimension. A second dimension is also supplied and each member of the second dimension is plotted as a series on the chart.

Each series are displayed in a different color.


Stacked area chart

Stacked area chart

A variant of the Area chart which shows the contribution of a second dimension over the primary dimension (usually time) for a given measure. Good for showing how contribution of a dimension varies over time.


Bar chart

Bar chart

Good for comparing one or more measures across a dimension.
Supports 2 options:
1) One or more measures are compared across a single dimension. Each measure (series) is displayed as a separate bar.
2) A single measure is selected for comparison across a primary dimension. A second dimension is also supplied and each member of the second dimension is plotted as a series on the chart.

Where multiple series are selected, bars are displayed one beneath the other. Each series are displayed in a different color.


Donut chart

Donut chart

A donut chart is similar to a pie chart, but it has a blank center and unlike a pie chart can display multiple series (measures). Series are displayed one inside the other as a series of concentric circles.
Each segment (value) within the donut chart is displayed using a different color. Where multiple series are used segments relating to the same category (dimension) will be shown in the same color.


Horizontal bullet chart

Horizontal bullet chart

Similar to bar charts but also includes a second series (measure) which is displayed as a vertical line. Good for comparing performance of a primary measure against a target measure across a dimension. Identical to the Vertical Bullet chart, but the axes are reversed.
Each series are displayed in a different color.


Pie chart

Pie chart

Loved and hated in the industry.
A pie chart is similar to a donut chart but only displays a single series (measure).
Each segment (value) within the donut chart is displayed using a different color.


Radar chart

Radar chart

Lays out the members of a selected dimension radially as a series of spokes. Plots the values of multiple series (measures) along each spoke and draws a line to connect the data values of each series, creating a star-like appearance. Good for quality improvement programs to display the performance of multiple metrics.


Sparkline chart

Sparkline chart

A small line chart often displayed without any axes or labels. Good for showing the variation (usually over time) of a measure across a category (dimension) in a simple, highly condensed way.


Stacked column chart

Stacked column chart

A variant of the Columns chart which shows the relationship of members of a second dimension to the whole, comparing the contribution of each value to a total across a primary dimension. Good when you have multiple data series and when you want to emphasize the total.
Each member of the second dimension is plotted as a series on the chart. Each series are displayed in a different color.


Vertical bullet chart

Vertical bullet chart

Similar to column charts but also includes a second series (measure) which is displayed as a horizontal line. Good for comparing performance of a primary measure against a target measure across a dimension. Identical to the Horizontal Bullet chart, but the axes are reversed.