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Updated by Jacques Warner on Dec 11, 2014
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Tips To Solve DVD Drive Problems

Get tips to solve minor & major problems in DVD drives.

Six Steps To Help You Fix Common DVD Drive Errors

So you got yourself a fancy smancy DVD drive. It could be a burner or just a reader and it is just not working. How do you figure out what is wrong with it? These tips to fix dvd drive errors will also work for a CD or CDR drive.

Minor Problems With DVD Drive & How To Solve Them

Posted On: May 12th, 2014 Posted By: David Gersh To CD & DVD Technology DVDs are a great source of entertainment and many people enjoy in them in their off hours. Unfortunately, just as with anything else problems can arise.

How to Solve CD or DVD Drive Missing From My Computer Issue

Sometimes your CD or DVD drive doesn't show up in the My Computer section. You can't use your CD/DVD drive in spite of actually having it on your computer. Also, sometimes it may happen that it shows up but is unable to play the files in CD/DVD.

Repair Missing CD-DVD Drive In Windows 7

If for some unknown reason your Windows 7 CD-DVD drive goes missing, then there is a high probably that you tried installing a buggy software which messed up the registry or other Windows files. Rizone CD-DVD Repair is a small portable utility which can quickly fix missing drives.

How to Fix a No-Disc Error on a DVD Player

You've popped the popcorn, poured a glass of your favorite beverage and settled in to watch a movie, but when you press "Play" on the remote control, the dreaded "NO DISC" error appears on your DVD player. If you're lucky, you may be able to correct the problem by just opening and closing the disc tray on the player and trying again.