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Updated by Subhraleena Deka on Feb 16, 2022
Headline for Tips for Investors from Modi
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Tips for Investors from Modi

There are a bundle of good qualities that can be very helpful to an investor. Do you want to know the source of these quality tips? Well, it is none other than our Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

PM Modi has a certain set of skills which can come in handy for investors to be successful. Let us go through this short “Modi-nama”...


Organised life

Organised life

A haphazard life should be done away with. Your files, furniture should be properly arranged. Modi made it clear in his office that he dislikes clutter. Moreover, your portfolio should be to the point with a crisp structure. The portfolio should not have more than 11-12 stock lists.


Systematic Investment Plans

Systematic Investment Plans

The SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) is a good way to have a steady flow of income for beginners who have started investing. One of the major components is discipline. It helps you reach your goals easily even in the long run.


Importance of a Roadmap

Importance of a Roadmap

You should be a meticulous planner. Prepare a road map for yourself which would help you get success easily.


The Stock Market

The Stock Market

Investors should be strict if they have under-performing stocks or people working with them. But be careful that you do not end up taking rash decisions.


Be up-to-date

Be up-to-date

It does not harm to take help from the internet. You should keep your ears and eyes open and be well informed about all the recent schemes, changes in stock market and upcoming projects.


Decision-making ability

Decision-making ability

Even if you are faced with heavy criticism or obstacles, make your own decisions. Do not come under undue influence.