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Updated by TeachThought on Aug 27, 2022
Headline for 25 Of The Best Resources For Teaching With YouTube
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25 Of The Best Resources For Teaching With YouTube

25 Of The Best Resources For Teaching With YouTube

SafeShare.TV - The Safest Way To Watch and Share YouTube videos.

Not only does SafeShare.TV remove distracting and offensive elements around YouTube videos, but it also allows you to crop videos before sharing them.


Whether you're doing research for a project, need help with homework, or just want to learn something new, YouTube EDU features some of our most popular educ...

Pocket: Save Articles and Videos to View Later

Pocket has been named one of the best apps for iPhone and iPad by the App Store.

Over 12 million people use Pocket to easily save articles, videos and more for later. With Pocket, all of your content goes to one place, so you can view it anytime, on any device. You don’t even need an Internet connection.

Don’t lose track of the interesting things you find by emailing yourself links or letting tabs pile up in your browser. Just save them to Pocket.

Save articles, videos, recipes, and webpages you find online or from your favorite apps.
If it’s in Pocket, it’s on your phone, tablet or computer, even when you’re offline. Perfect for commutes, travel, and curling up on your couch.

21st Century Classroom: YouTube @ Kent-Meridian High School

Learn about how one teacher, Mike Christiansen, a 9th grade social studies teacher at Kent-Meridian High School in Kent, WA, uses YouTube in his classroom to...

YouTube for Schools - YouTube

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Copyright Law: What Teachers Need to Know

By Ken Schlager Intellectual property has emerged from the legal backwater to become major news, with frequent high-profile cases of individuals and companies being prosecuted for the illegal use and distribution of copyrighted material. While teachers enjoy many exemptions under copyright law, the classroom does not shelter all uses.

YouTube Capture

Create beautiful movies on the go with YouTube Capture 2.0. Start recording in a snap, then edit and share videos of any length right from your phone.

* Capture the moment: Start recording instantly
* Stitch together an unlimited number of clips as you build your story
* Trim and rearrange clips right from your phone
* Add a soundtrack from your music collection or YouTube’s audio library
* Touch up videos with color correction and stabilization
* Upload to YouTube and share on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter - all in one step

TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos

TubeChop allows you to easily chop a funny or interesting section from any YouTube video and share it.

YouTube Doubler | Mashup Helper

YouTube Doubler: Twice the Fun - Play 2 YouTubes at Once

YouTube to mp3 Converter

Download your favorite YouTube videos as mp3 files without registration.

Creator Academy - YouTube

Creator Hub Creator Academy Programs and tools Support Working together

YouTube Creators - Google+

YouTube Creators - Learn, share, and engage with YouTube and other YouTube Creators! - If you're a YouTube Creator, you've come to the right place to engage with other creators, learn more about what YouTube's been up to lately, and get tips from our live Hangouts with creators as they

Working Together - YouTube

YouTube Creators Program


This website contains all the information you need to find and take part in Education On Air sessions on Google+: Live Hangout Schedule

Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning

Teaching With YouTube: 197 Digital Channels For Learning If you don't have a YouTube channel as an education provider, there's a good chance you're behind...

Create and delete playlists

A playlist is a collection of videos that you or another user has created. Find a group of videos that you like? Maybe a few of your favorite songs, or highlights from your local sports team? Need to organize the content that you've created to share with your audience?

GifYoutube brings you this awesome Animated GIF.

wp5vR is an animated gif that was created from for free on GifYoutube.

YouTube Teaching Videos

Pins about YouTube Teaching Videos hand-picked by Pinner Jill Kuzma | See more about social thinking, social skills and video clip.

How To YouTube Your Classroom

YouTube is popular. How popular?

The Official Educator's Guide To YouTube

YouTube is a goldmine for content. Yes, it's also a goldmine for trash and whimsy, but more than anything it's a kind of circus-mirror reflection of culture. Which should make it useful to teachers. Below is a the official YouTube guide for educators put together by YouTube (Google), and it's actually very good.


Explore this site for more information on creating content for YouTube.

Using Enhancements - YouTube Help

If you're on your computer, you can make tweaks and add effects to your videos directly on YouTube! You won't need to reupload the video, and your video's URL, view count, and comments will st