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Updated by Edublogs on Jan 03, 2016
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Best Individual Tweeter - 2014 Edublog Awards


Craig Kemp (@mrkempnz)

Kiwi in Singapore,Head of ICT & Learning Innovation. Dream creator, Google Certified Teacher, #whatisschool co-creator, creator of

Sue Beckingham (@suebecks)

Educational Developer with a research interest in the use of social media in education.

Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)

Mom. GF. Teacher Librarian. 2014 LJ Mover & Shaker.Consultant. Speaker. Writer. Skype's Education Ambassador. Faces of Innovation. #TLChat News #IAedchat CoHost

Vicki Davis (@coolcatteacher)

#teacher I supercharge learning. Top Teacher Blog: Winner-Best Talk Show Host: Every Classroom Matters Proud Mom. Authored 2 books.

Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1)

Educator-Speaker-Writer-Social Media Storyteller for PRwithPanache! Cataloging for education #edchat moderator. Advisory Board #sxswedu

Craig Yen (@craigyen)

5th Grade Teacher - #Flipclass (in math)
#Edtech #EdCamp Fanatic

Edmodo Ambassador

Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler)

Kids are not failures. Google Certified Teacher, NMCk12 Ambassador, MS EdTech, adjunct prof CSUFresno, gamification, innovation, super nerd #coffeeEDU #profchat

George Couros (@gcouros)

Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning for #PSD70. Speaker. Consultant. Dog-Lover. Legacy is not defined in what you have, but what you give.

Library Girl (@jenniferlagarde)

2012 LJ Mover & Shaker. ALA/NYT I Love My Librarian Winner. Co-founder of #levelupbc. Global Speaker. Zombie Slayer. Teacher, learner, rabble rouser.

Kristin Ziemke (@kristinziemke)

Teacher, traveler, & Heinemann author who celebrates curiosity and wants to learn more! 1:1 iPad classroom, lover of tech, inquiry and literacy, ADE, NBCT!

Sherry Gick (@libraryfanatic)

Library & Instructional Tech Specialist @RMHSLibrary, TL News Night anchor, ISTE Librarians Network President-Elect #GeniusCon #RunTeacherRun #SwirlStrong

Shelly Sanchez (@shellterrell)

The 30 Goals Challenge author #30goalsEDU, NAPW Woman of the Year, teacher trainer, #Edchat founder, International speaker, #RoscothePug's mama

Nancy Jo Lambert (@nancyjolambert)

Learner. K-5 Librarian passionate about literacy, reading, & books. Techie, mom, runner. Connected Educator. Co-moderator of #txlchat #yalove

Amy Burvall (@amyburvall)

The Cloud is Our Campfire. VP of Academic Affairs @edgemakers ;GCT, TEDxer History Music Vids as @historyteacherz ; Crowdsourced Art @Serendipidoodle

John Schu (@mrschureads)

K-5 School Librarian. Library Journal Mover & Shaker. 2014 Newbery Committee member. Reader. Traveler. Dreamer...

Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth)

Web 2.0 researcher, author of The Digital Classroom, Associate Professor of learning technology, international speaker, disruptive activist.

fboss (@fboss)

Art teacher-now Education Officer with NCCA ( Views are my own (Rt's are of others')

Larry Ferlazzo (@larryferlazzo)

Inner-city High School teacher -- ESL & Mainstream; Author; Ed Week teacher advice columnist; Writes about ELLs for NY Times

TeacherToolkit (@teachertoolkit)

Deputy Headteacher who writes the most influential blog on education in the UK; #100Ideas Author @SLTchat @MyEdHunt & #5MinPlan founder.

Joy Kirr (@joykirr)

Optimism overcomes obstacles (Julie K.).
Gr7 ELA NBCT, always trying to catch up to the students, while enjoying my home life to the fullest. Love #geniushour!

Donna Baumbach (@auntytech) -- Formerly edtech/edmedia professor at UCF in Orlando. Retired but not dead yet!

Audrey Watters (@audreywatters)

education writer, recovering academic, serial dropout, ed-tech's Cassandra, author of The Monsters of Education Technology. (And coming soon: Teaching Machines)

Howard Rheingold (@hrheingold)

Independent thinker, online instigator, novice educator, expert learner, offline gardener.

Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby)

Author,Blogger, HS/MS Tchr 34 yrs, HigherEd 6 yrs.Founder #Edchat, EDU PLN,Edchat Radio, 6 Linkedin Edu Grps. BLOG My Island View

Dr. Bronwyn Hemsley (@bronwynhemsley)

Assoc Prof | Speech Pathologist | #DECRA #TweetReach | NHMRC #PCEHResearch | Admins for @WeSpeechies #WeSpeechies | Cochrane Review Group Editor

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