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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 23, 2017
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Most Influential Post - 2014 Edublog Awards


How to get 10 grammar teaching activities from one video clip

Today I'm going to show you how to use a video clip to uncover a variety of different language points in class. While the examples I give are somewhat specific to this clip, many if not all can be used with other clips without a great deal of adaptation required.

November Is Family Blogging Month

Mrs. Yollis and her students ♥ to share what they are learning and experiencing. In an effort to include more family members in our online community, we are proclaiming: Each student made a list of their family members. After looking through the archive, students selected specific posts tailored to the interest of a particular relative.

Dear Parent: About THAT kid...

by Miss Night on 10 November, 2014 Dear Parent: I know. You're worried. Every day, your child comes home with a story about THAT kid. The one who is always hitting shoving pinching scratching maybe even biting other children. The one who always has to hold my hand in the hallway.

A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days - a sobering lesson learned

The following account comes from a veteran HS teacher who just became a Coach in her building. Because her experience is so vivid and sobering I have kept her identity anonymous. But nothing she describes is any different than my own experience in sitting in HS classes for long periods of time.

A Crucial Week: 10 Reasons NOT to date a girl who teaches

This post entitled "Date a Girl Who Teaches" has popped up in my Facebook news feed a few times this weekend. So I've decided to have a look at the opposite point of view. Here are my reasons not to date a girl who teaches (in no particular order)! 1.

Men Explain Technology to Me: On Gender, Ed-Tech, and the Refusal to Be Silent

Here are the notes and the slides from what is (I hope) my last talk of 2014. I gave this this evening to University of Mary Washington, and then turned around and presented it again (online) to Alec Couros and Katia Hildebrandt's class EC&I 831.

Primary Curriculum Resource Pack

Over the past year I have tried to create and collate resources which might be useful for primary schools rolling out the new curriculum. Many of these have been shared on this blog, and also on my website. To try to make it easier for schools and teachers to get the key resources, I have...

Securing Headship as a Member of SLT

I've blogged on quite a few aspects of my role as a member of two senior leadership teams: from data to line management and human resources, from Ofsted to Teaching Schools, from Student Leadership to Pedagogy. All of these posts are important to me, but this post is the one that delivers me into the...

Are You Making Your Most Difficult Students Worse?

Most teachers are hyperaware of their most difficult students-and well they should be. It's smart to know where they are and what they're doing. But this awareness can cause you to behave oddly around them. It can cause you to glare and glower in their direction.

Janet Barresi Shows Her True Colors!

I have made it clear before that I am not a journalist. As bloggers, we are governed by a slightly different set of rules. I am often hindered by the inability to reveal sources or compel people to provide me with information. For example, if I called our State Department and said: "Hi there.

Why I Hope for Joy!

I gather that most of us are looking forward to the end of this particularly long and tumultuous election season. This is especially true for the highly contested offices for Governor and State Superintendent for Public Instruction.

Curate or Be Curated: Why Our Information Environment is Crucial to a Flourishing Democracy, Civil Society

If you're anything like hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world, one of the first things you do in the morning is check your social media feeds. These are online spaces where we find out what's happening in our friends' lives, from engagements to baby photos.

The Vulnerability of the Web

This week has been tough. Travel is always wearing on a person, but having to make an impromptu trip home to say goodbye to a long time friend (my dog Shaq), has worn on me.

I Pitched

I was short several staff that day. Not quite sure how classrooms and assignments were going to get covered. Unresolved issues that I needed to look into. Didn't feel like I was caught up on my paperwork. Still had to pack lunches, get dressed, get my son dressed and drop him off at daycare.

What's the easiest way to a secondary Ofsted Outstanding?

Secondary school leaders would like to think that they are judged on the difference they make and not on the pure outcomes of their school irrespective of context. The whole language of the most recent framework is about progress made, taking into account pupils and schools various starting points.

Dear Time Magazone - Leading by Example

Well done and thank you. Your response to Time magazine is nothing but the truth. Teachers deserve respect and I don't understand why we are so vilified. It's just wrong. Something I always say on the toughest days is to remember, my students are someone's child.

Someone to Carry You...

We see the letters posted on the Internet from educators who are disgruntled or dissatisfied with their positions as teachers within our current education system ( for example this letter from Huff Post Education). However, I do wonder about the stories not being told about educators who make a difference every day and choose to continue in the profession.

Why You Can't Learn [Blank] From A Book

Ever since I was a little kid I loved beating my dad up. Our wrestling matches were epic. I especially loved when he fought dirty. Using his beard stubble as sandpaper on my face was a favored tactic of his. He also taught me a knuckle in the ribs works wonders in a scrum.

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