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Updated by Edublogs on Jan 03, 2016
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Best Library/Librarian Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards


Образователен блог

Хубаво е да има едно място в огромното Интернет пространство, където може да се намерят образователни материали за децата, посещаващи българските неделни училища. Какво по-хубаво от това да протегнеш ръка и да избереш от виртуалната лавица онзи свитък, който ще те поведе из дебрите на красивото българско слово, из величието на родната история или из красотата на нашата природа?

The Daring Librarian

Gwyneth A. Jones, aka The Daring Librarian, is a blogger, a Tweeter, an international Ed Tech speaker, trope and meme archivist, creator of content, a citizen of advocacy, and a resident of social media. Gwyneth is a Google Certified Teacher, and the author of the award winning Daring Librarian blog.

Mighty Little Librarian | Librarian Tiff's Blog

I was so excited and honored to be invited to give the opening keynote at the Florida Association for Media in Education's annual conference in Orlando last week. It was a great conference - I was able to connect with and learn from some AWESOME Florida librarians!

Canandaigua Academy Library
  • * * The buzz is back! Today we reboot a weekly series on the CA Library Blog - the Monday Morning Book Buzz! Every Monday morning, we will highlight new and notable titles being released that week in Teen Fiction, General Fiction and Nonfiction.

I was putting together a monthly "highlights" document for our library coordinator and realized a that November has been a fun and busy month. My students and I experienced and accomplished quite a bit!

Continuously Learning in the Library

One of the goals for the library this year is to have maker clubs with specific projects. Last year, our only maker club was a digital maker club. This club met throughout the year and used digital tools to promote reading.

Barrow Media Center

This year, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to collaborate globally. In the past, I've participated in amazing events such as Dot Day, Talk Like a Pirate Day, and World Read Aloud Day. Each of those events has connected our students to classrooms and authors around the globe, and I've found so many collaborative colleagues through these events.

| Bulldog Reader Blog: bridging books, lessons and technology

Edublog Awards, also known as the Eddies, is promote and celebrate the educational values of social media. One of the benefits of educational blogging is to give students an authentic audience for their ideas, writing and projects. Blogging gives them the opportunity to become educated global learners, connected and ready for the 21st century world.

The Adventures of Library Girl

Reason #1: The TL Virtual Cafe returns this Monday for another blockbuster year of learning and sharing!!! I've written many times about how much I love the TL Virtual cafe AND I share this amazing FREE resource everywhere I go.

Technology is Loose in the Library!!

Finally, I challenged my students to design their own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons based on our favorite library books. I lamented that often the balloons are based on movie and cartoon character, which is fine, but wouldn't also be fantastic if the balloons reflected popular children's books!

Unpretentious Librarian

Let me begin by saying that presenting in a Google Hang Out virtual conference was both daunting and amazing. Daunting in the fact that I was totally reliant on the success via the wifi and technology. If the network went down all the viewers would see was a blank screen - yikes.


Her finner du anbefalinger av bøker du ikke visste at du ville lese, bøker du kanskje ikke har hørt om, bøker du har tenkt at du burde ha lest. Små forlag, store forlag, smale tegneserier, og kanskje en bok om isbjørner, eller diktatorer. Følg med!

The Library Voice

I have never seen any online database bring this much excitement, learning, and fun along with it! All of our youngest learners from Pre-K through 3rd grade loved everything about PebbleGo and we found them using it on the laptops and iPads all of the time at school and home.

Watch. Connect. Read.

I was a Fraggle Rock fanatic as a child. I watched the television program. I played with the action figures. I spent countless hours reading and carrying around Marooned in Fraggle Rock, What's a Fraggle?, and Waggeby of Fraggle Rock. I'm sure my parents hid the books because they were so tired of me talking about them.

Skills Hub

Library and Learning Services

Cabra Senior Library Blog

"I love reading because I can bury myself in a book and it transports me to another world. I can get to know the characters, try on other people's lives to see how they fit. Reading is the cheapest form of travel! ;)" - Mikayla D. Reasons For Reading Competition Winners Announced!

McSpedden Elementary Library

Read. Learn. Connect. Create

Aquinas Reads | Aquinas College students rave about reading!

I would recommend this novel to teenagers aged 12 to 15 who like to read humour and stories based on real life. By reading this novel I think that young adults will receive a useful insight into real life problems that other teenagers around them could be experiencing.

Cabra Senior Library Blog

"I love reading because I can bury myself in a book and it transports me to another world. I can get to know the characters, try on other people's lives to see how they fit. Reading is the cheapest form of travel! ;)" - Mikayla D. Reasons For Reading Competition Winners Announced!

21st century tech kids

Today I was working with 1st graders in the lab. We are talking about fonts and what that means. There was a lot of new vocabulary to learn like font, size, formatting palette, highlighting. I am also impressed how they retained our discussions of several of the keys we talked about like the return, shift and spacebar.

The Way Forward

It was a career highlight and an absolute honour to be asked to participate in a panel at EduTECH 2014, held in Brisbane last week. The conference began with a keynote from Sugata Mitra, who is an interesting and thoughtful speaker and it was terrific to see him in person.

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