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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 13, 2016
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Best Teacher Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards


Edutech for Teachers

As Quincy Jones once remarked, "I've always thought that a big laugh is a really loud noise from the soul saying, "Ain't that the truth." That said, Edu-fun Friday is a series devoted to adding some humor to the lives of teachers who visit this blog.

Learn Lead Grow

Over the next few posts, I am going to introduce you to SchoolCircle, a free one-stop-shop communication tool, which will change the way you communicate with parents. No more frustrating mailer daemon messages or disconnected phones. Communicate quickly to your entire group of parents or have individual conversations!

Múinteoir Valerie

Hello everybody, Today was my first day without work since the beginning of September. I really missed school today, and I don't like having a day off on a Monday, but then who does I suppose. I realised it was very important to let schools know I am available to work again, so I started with that today.

Learning for Life

The children thought it was hilarious that they were going to paint with spaghetti rather than paint brushes. Some were not too keen on the actual texture of the cooked pasta but the majority enjoyed dipping it into the paint & then making it 'dance' across the page - in fact a lot of the children actually danced while doing this activity!

Seomra Ranga - Resources for the Primary School Teacher

Resources for the Primary School Teacher

A Journey in TEFL

October 12, 2014 | 4 skills, creative tasks, creative writing, creativity, efl, fun, fun activities, ideas, inspiration, lesson ideas, poems, poetry, reading, The Road Not Taken | 2 Comments "Let us go singing as far as we go: the road will be less tedious." Virgil Choices are important in our lives.

Innovative Learning in the PYP

What skills do students learn through eBook creation? In Grade 1, students are working on a How We Organize Ourselves unit of inquiry. They are investigating private and public spaces and looking at what brings people together. During the collaborative planning meeting, teachers discussed a way to document their progress during the unit and we...

Teach them English

A Year in the Life of an English Teacher


The 1st International Symposium of Yildiz Technical University School of Foreign Languages kicked off today, with a top level programme and super-star speakers. The opening talk was followed by music and performance session. The Rector of the university and the organising committee thanked the sponsors with plagues.

Teaching using web tools

Norwegian exam questions Grading exam papers I'm puzzled by some of the students' answers to task 1. Even if you sometimes have to guess what the exam questions will be, one topic has reoccurred these last year. Language features and literary... Read More › Let's look at the House of Representatives, and more facts about Congress.

@coolcatteacher Blog - Teach with better results, lead with a positive impact and live with greater purpose.

The Global Education & Skills Forum takes place on 15th & 16th March 2015 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President & Prime Minister for the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

The Nerdy Teacher

It has been a long time since I have done one of these posts. Almost two years to be exact. Sometimes we let life get too busy and you forget to go back to your roots and do the things that make you smile. Check out some of those old posts if you have a minute.

Larissa's Languages

1) Workshop - Teaching Teenagers: 4 Skills + 1 at the TESOL Italy's 39th National Convention In this workshop I talked about how we can engage teen learners and how to create fun lesson plans which integrate the four linguistic skills, and at the same time, allow the students to learn job skills.

The Frugal Teacher

Teaching possessive nouns to 2nd graders is just downright frustrating. Our curriculum has some boring worksheets, but I needed to ramp up the teaching level on this one so last week I did some looking around and found a few songs and activities that would make learning this concept a little more fun.

A Hive of Activities

I've been meaning to write this for some time. A year after starting the blog seems like a good time (!), especially as I've just finished the DELTA and have had the opportunity to reflect a bit more on lesson planning and materials selection. So, as you'll know if you've read the 'About' page, this [...]

On an e-Journey with Generation Y

Immersing technology in the classroom and beyond into the globe!

Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension

Education musings, technology, and lessons; my life as a teacher by Pernille Ripp. (by Pernille Ripp)

A Crucial Week

PYP PE With Andy: This blog does what it says on the tin. Andy is a PE teacher in a PYP school. He shares ideas for good teaching practice. I love how he makes anchor charts that are very simple and visual.

The Tempered Radical

By Bill Ferriter

Mrs. Waters' English

A Middle School ELA and Education Review Blog

Darcy Moore's Blog - learning leadership technology

vodpod id=Groupvideo.1511910&w=425&h=350&] more about "Sugata Mitra shows how kids teach the...", posted with vodpod The Fourth Way: The Inspiring Future of Educational Change by Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley was published last year and is worth reading, especially for students, emerging leaders and those looking [...]

Teaching Techie Teens

I also learnt about 'moonshot thinking'. This is a Google term, but I think has equal relevance to the classroom. Moonshot thinking to Google is the space between science fiction and reality, but in education (and EdTech) about thinking big, making everything 10 times better and thinking outside of the square.

My Paperless Classroom

Blogging at the | of Pedagogy and Technology

  • The World's most popular education blogging service. Tips and tricks on integrating technology shared by the Edublogs team ( )

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