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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 13, 2016
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Best Ed Tech / Resource Sharing Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards



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Edutech for Teachers

As Quincy Jones once remarked, "I've always thought that a big laugh is a really loud noise from the soul saying, "Ain't that the truth." That said, Edu-fun Friday is a series devoted to adding some humor to the lives of teachers who visit this blog.

Learn Lead Grow

Over the next few posts, I am going to introduce you to SchoolCircle, a free one-stop-shop communication tool, which will change the way you communicate with parents. No more frustrating mailer daemon messages or disconnected phones. Communicate quickly to your entire group of parents or have individual conversations!

Free Technology for Teachers

Last spring ContextU launched as a site to provide students with the greater context for significant events in U.S. history. In the September the site expanded to include more content on the American Revolution. Last month it expanded again to provide content on the period between George Washington's and Andrew Jackson's presidencies.

Seomra Ranga - Resources for the Primary School Teacher

Resources for the Primary School Teacher

YappGuru - Blog

Next up on our list of featured app developers?? SPEECH WITH MILO! Co-founder Poorani Doonan sat down with us and helped us get to know them better. Continue reading This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged apps, education, iPad, iphone, milo, speech language pathology, speech therapy, speech with milo on by .

Shake Up Learning

Home or landing page for, including biography of Kasey Bell.

Website at

It's that time of the year again - the Edublog Awards are back for their 11th year. Every year, nominates its favourite blogs into this international competition. We were delighted last year to have nominated the overall winner, Seomra Ranga, so hopefully we'll back a few more winners this time around again.

The Daring Librarian

Gwyneth A. Jones, aka The Daring Librarian, is a blogger, a Tweeter, an international Ed Tech speaker, trope and meme archivist, creator of content, a citizen of advocacy, and a resident of social media. Gwyneth is a Google Certified Teacher, and the author of the award winning Daring Librarian blog.

Mr P's ICT blog - Tech to raise standards!

A blog about using iPads to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom, especially Primary Education.

Langwitches Blog

Langwitches, The Magic of Learning. Modern learning that transforms education in the 21st century. Finding new forms and redefining learning for the challenges of the future .

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL

Unpretentious Librarian

Let me begin by saying that presenting in a Google Hang Out virtual conference was both daunting and amazing. Daunting in the fact that I was totally reliant on the success via the wifi and technology. If the network went down all the viewers would see was a blank screen - yikes.

Tech News - Blue Valley Education Technology Services

If you would like students to access YouTube videos during the instructional day, BV Ed Tech just made it easier! The Ed Tech team has created a channel that allows teachers to provide access to videos hosted on YouTube to students within the building.

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners

As the ThingLink Education Community Manager, I am rounding up talented educators who are interested in joining our professional learning network of Expert Educators. This is a great opportunity to learn, share and grow within our professional learning community. Do you LOVE ThingLink? Are you a talented educator who inspires others?

History Tech

More and more of us are integrating primary sources and inquiry learning into our instruction. In Kansas, this emphasis on historical thinking is tied to our recent standards. We're moving to a writing slash social studies state assessment with a shared rubric that supports analyzing evidence and responding to a writing prompt.


For information on how to get your ad or logo placed here on our site, please click here to view our Media Kit. is a teacher, author, and parent who has earned her Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and currently teaches second grade. She has previously taught first, sixth, and seventh grade.

Tools That Make IT Click

Easily create videos in the classroom! Students can make videos to tell stories, explain ideas, or document their learning. 30+ lesson ideas make it easy to get started in your classroom!

Technology is Loose in the Library!!

Finally, I challenged my students to design their own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons based on our favorite library books. I lamented that often the balloons are based on movie and cartoon character, which is fine, but wouldn't also be fantastic if the balloons reflected popular children's books!


During a conversation with my father over the Thanksgiving week, I realized that he had no idea what my job actually was. Now this may sound strange but truthfully when you hold a support role and you don't occupy a classroom for seven periods a On Friday I had the opportunity to teach coding to 5 kindergarten classes for STEM day at Eanes Elementary.

The Reed Diaries

Blog of Peter Reed, Lecturer @ University of Liverpool. Interested in Technology Enhanced Learning, including: OERs; Social Media; and Pedagogy.


Critical Thinking: After researching, organize the information as questions in a logical order. To add an extra element to the research, have students make a list of the states that fits the question and add it to the map.

Mack Attack- Alicia Mackall's blog about digital literacy and learning

Here's my 1 minute tutorial of a super easy site that takes your text (quotes, titles, etc.) and makes them look great in a variety of templates. It's free, and there's no registration.

Northampton Inspire | Technology and the Arts supporting a creative primary curriculum

abstract abstract expressionist action painting Andy Warhol architecture BallDroppings Barry Sullivan BeatEvolve Free Be Funky Buzzy Sullivan Caelestis colour and emotion digital treasure hunt Falling Stars Fingerpaint with sounds generative art Gjon Mili Glow Tunes HelpKidzLearn inflatable sculpture Interesting Ways iNudge iPads Joshua Harris LED line Love Like Rain Minimops Mixtikl 5 Music Ball Path on Swipe to Type pattern Perlin Draw photography pic collage Pixlr-o-matic Pop Art recycled materials SoundPrism Strip Designer symmetry Tellagami Victorian Art VoiceThread Weavesilk

Doug Belshaw's blog

Short link: As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, as of tonight I'm on 'Belshaw Black Ops' until 2015. This personal digital hiatus means that until January I won't be composing new blog posts, newsletters, or tweets. As far as possible, I'm switching to read-only mode.

  • The World's most popular education blogging service. Tips and tricks on integrating technology shared by the Edublogs team ( )

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