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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 13, 2016
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Best New Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards


Учебни ресурси

A letter to Santa/Писмо до Дядо Коледа е eTwinning проект, иницииран от Росица Минева (България) и Барбара (Полша) и към днешна дата привлече още 18 учители от Азербайджан, България, Гърция, Полша, Румъния, Украйна. Децата пишат писма на добрия старец на роден и английски език и създават виртуален плакат глог, като използват картина, текст, звук, видео, графики, богат набор от инструменти, които предлага Glogsteredu.

We Make the Weather

These things are pretty simple, but, trust me, they don't come naturally when a kid is being rude to you and talking back. It takes a conscious effort to smile and be calm and friendly. When the kids are cranky is when they need us to be happy and warm.


Teaching, Learning, Sharing, Exploring Biology and Science. My teaching adventure and learning path thanks to my students. (by DrAbella)

Shake Up Learning

Home or landing page for, including biography of Kasey Bell.

Begins with a Problem

This is a 2-3 minute read. What Problem Based Learning means to me As I have mentioned elsewhere, I first encountered Problem Based Learning during my MA studies. It struck me as a potential approach to answer a host


I was one of those kids that knew I wanted to be an educator at an early age. I have always loved teaching & learning. Recently I was honored with being able to present 2 sessions at the Texas Computer Educators Tots & Technology Conference in Galveston, Texas.

Exploring Authentic Learning

All over NISD, authentic learning is taking place daily.Teachers and students working together to create an instructional culture that is pushing them past their previous best!I received a picture this week from a teacher whose students were selecting their own learning targets and working towards mastery.In the high schools: two

Passion Lives Here!

Curtis Elementary is getting a make-over, and it is extreme! Our building is looking fabulous. I can't wait for the upcoming school year. Students, parents, and staff members will walk into our building to see this exciting transformation. It looks brand new! I can't help but get excited about the journey we are about to begin.

Speech is Sweet

When I saw all the creative spins on the Color By Number activities, such as Color By Sight Word, I just had to find a way to join in on all the fun. After some brainstorming, I came up with Color By Pronouns!

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Teacher

A blog to challenge the hierarchy of educationalists on twitter and beyond... not really... just some ideas from me.

YappGuru - Blog

Next up on our list of featured app developers?? SPEECH WITH MILO! Co-founder Poorani Doonan sat down with us and helped us get to know them better. Continue reading This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged apps, education, iPad, iphone, milo, speech language pathology, speech therapy, speech with milo on by .

Numeracy @ CEPS

A game using all four of the operations. An opportunity for students to develop strategies for solving the four operations or working on their automatic recall of number facts. Materials Needed: * Two six sided dice * A set of number cards per player numbered 1 - 12.

Tales From The Tank

Teachers have accepted the mission happily! Many have created in-class attendance policies and procedures. They presented students with the guidelines and also some incentives to having perfect attendance. The really cool part is many teachers have created visual displays to keep the students engaged in tracking their attendance.

Homeschool Towers: Believe in You, Always!

I can't believe it is almost time for Thanksgiving again. I feel like I am in the Spy Kids movie, All the Time in the World, where a timekeeper steals [...]

The #aussieED Blog

Monday 10th November was our first time hosting a TeachMeet - it was great to meet people who we had only seen on twitter before. There were some great presentations about how to provide students...

Get Connected | Reports, Commentary & Creativity from Eastside Multimedia Students

It's an example that to be truly engaged you need to be a lifetime learner. No matter how old or how wise we become, we are never to old to learn something new. Teaching and learning about podcasting has now exposed me to what I suspect may be a new leisure time activity.

Mack Attack- Alicia Mackall's blog about digital literacy and learning

Here's my 1 minute tutorial of a super easy site that takes your text (quotes, titles, etc.) and makes them look great in a variety of templates. It's free, and there's no registration.

The Quirky Teacher

There are a few topics floating about in my mind, and it's hard to pin them down in order to write coherently. I have decided to make this post all about marking because it's the topic-du-jour where I work, and I need to ask the wider world whether marking is just too fandangled these days.

Blue Cereal Education

In Part One of this amazing trilogy, I may have left the impression that my goal was to cover 225+ years of American History through the lense of "Liberty vs. Security." Thats' a good goal - I like it - but I'm not sure I'm the man for the job.

Ready, Steady, Go!

In keeping with my resolutions for the new school year ( see previous post), I've added a new daily activity to my pre-school classes. I call it 'Talk Time' because I like alliteration and it's simple enough for the little ones to say and remember.

Crawling Out of the Classroom

This year has been an incredible learning journey for me so far. As I have worked to give power back over to my students in the classroom and to help them take more ownership of their learning, I have seen dramatic results. This classroom is quickly becoming a shared space.

Teach Between The Lines

A Blog Dedicated to Creating the Next Generation of Superheroes! Support for Developing Teachers

Disappointed Idealist

There's been a great story in the last two days about one of my old favourites, Mossbourne, announcing that it plans to select some of its children by "aptitude to row". Immediately, a brief spat broke out between those who saw this as a proxy for selection by "aptitude-to-have-wealthy-parents", and those who thought such carping was merely left-wing nonsense; nothing wrong with boats; rowing isn't posh etc etc.


teaching, learning, thinking, tech (by Eric Jensen)

Joel Pedersen

be that #oneperson

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