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Updated by Fusion 360 on Feb 03, 2018
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8 Reasons Why Social Media is Important to SEO

In order to ensure optimum success for your website, the combination of social media and SEO is critically important. There are so many different factors that fall into SEO and many different things that will ensure success. No matter if you’re a small business in Utah or a big company in New York, SEO and social media are relevant to you.

Internal Links

Link your social media platforms on your website. These help give your site credibility and bump your Google ranking.

External Links

Post links on your social media sites that link back to your company’s website. This helps drive traffic to your site, which is an important factor in SEO.


Use SEO keywords within social media platforms and link them back to you. Developing hashtags for your business to be used on Twitter and Instagram creates a collective for your company and allows customers to find all posts relevant to you.

Have a Blog on Your Site

Create a blog within your website. Having a blog allows your company to constantly be putting out new information on your site. Updating your site with new content often is an important part of SEO.

External Promotion

Getting other bloggers, tweeters, Instgrammers, etc. to promote your brand is a great way to increase Google ranking and bring more traffic to your site. For example, having a local fashion blogger promote your new store in Utah targets a specific market and gets your name out and helps increase traffic toward your business.

Spread the Word

Spread the word about deals, sales and other promotions through your social media. This just gives you one more way to get the word out and gives another medium to use SEO keywords that will link back to you.

Work to Gain Followers

Post often on social media sites to gain friends and followers. The number of people that follow you on social media does not directly affect SEO, but it does help increase the traffic to your site, which helps boost your Google ranking.

Know Your Market

Know your target market and invest time in social media that is being used by that audience. People of all ages in all parts of the world are using social media, so finding the demographic you’re selling to will help guarantee traffic back to your company.




Kate Giolas is a writer at Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah. Find her on Google+.

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