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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 22, 2017
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Best Class Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards


Technology Threaders

Today's word of the day is " gaudy". We came across it in our Crazy Carnivals story "The Greatest Day of your Life (Not)" in this sentence, "The warriors were totally helpless, they'd be killed inside their gaudy cocoons as they slept" Gaudy means vulgarly bright of colour.


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Дневник Diary

Как да си защитим личните данни и поверителността на профила - първо и задължително условие като си направим...

2nd Class Red

Learning and Having Fun!

5A 2014

This is an exciting time for our grade.....captains for 2015 are being announced, grades are being organised for next year and the students are getting ready to launch into Year 6. Some students have been in my grade for two years and some only for one....but it has been fun!

Class 5V

I set my class the challenge of writing from the perspective of the English soldier from the Sainsburys Christmas advert. With such a powerful advert, we had to make our writing match that standard. I was so amazed by the result, that I wanted to share their brilliant work.

Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog

Nic's mom and grandmother came in to class to teach our monthly art lesson. This dynamic duo taught the class how to weave! First, we made a paper loom and then the weaving began. Over. Under. Over. Under. What was the most difficult part?

5SK Learning in North QLD | 5SK - Learning in Action

It has been 4 years, 11 months, 20 days. The government signed the papers for the World War 1 to stop at 11:00 11-11-1918. We took off base around 2 minutes ago. I remember my girl's voice and my son's small hands. I remember the plane trip and landing at base.

Caves12 Blog

For the first 5 weeks of our Science unit we've been mixing things together. This week we did the opposite! We looked at how we could separate mixtures. Our first challenge was the separate a cup...

Ms. Myers' 3rd Graders Reach for the Sky

Dear Readers, Every year, Ms. Myers' class participates in a global project, hosted by Jen Wagner of "Projects By Jen". Teachers from all over the world sign up to take part in a good will exchange between students. Every class is instructed to create 30 cards which are mailed out to the other schools, and to one community service organization.

Mrs. Moore's Class Blog | Adventures in Education

Then, we knew we were ready to go! Next, everyone was given a job. The jobs included inquirers and greeters (these kids were in front of the camera), logical reasoners, clue keepers, researchers, runner and problem solver, photographer and videographer. The inquirers asked the other class 'yes or no' questions.

Year 2 Blog

Today Mr and Mrs Freecks came and visited Year 2 from South Africa! Mr.Freecks told us how to track down and find animals from there tracks and from there droppings. We talked about Africa's big 5. Then Mrs Freecks thought us a song called London is Burning. This is the song.

Year 4/5 AM | Sharing Our Learning Journey

Our school year is quickly coming to an end and one of the best things about that is participating in Christmas activities! Throughout weeks 7-8 the Middle Primary Unit have been mixed up into four groups, rotating to a different teacher each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The activities we have been doing are...

Mrs Baldwin's Class Blog!

For the ceiling we chose our own lighting however we had to be careful that we used the right technique. If we decided to use single lights we had to make sure that they were large and then became smaller as they went into the distance down the corridor.

Hey, Kids! Student Challenge Winner

Do you watch awards shows on t.v.? The entertainment industry has tons of awards they pass out every year to outstanding performers in many fields. I can think of the Oscars, the Emmys, the Grammys, the Tonys, the Golden Globes, the CMAs, the People's Choice, and the Kids' Choice Awards right off the top of my head.

Mrs Jalland's Class

We can be great, we will be great!

5/6 Team @ UPPS

It was great fun opening our presents. We counted to three and all unwrapped our presents - even though we were in different countries! We took turns singing Christmas songs and then sang some songs together in English.


3/4 WG

3/4 WG

Today we visited the Life Education van and participated in the 'Mind Your Medicine' program. What did you learn? This week the 100WC prompt was " it shivered, they..." We had some fantastic entries in 3/4WG. Here is Amy's "Ooooooo" the wind sang as the trees waved their arms saying hello to the cute, wet puppy that was lost on the cold stormy night.

Year 4 @ Cranbourne East Primary School

In the dead of the night, Mary-Anne ran through the pitch black forest. Terrified, she found something smooth. Mary-Anne turned on her flashlight and she realised what she had found was a yellow pail with water inside. Suddenly, she heard a horrifying sound just above. The atmosphere was cold.

Website at

Inniu bhíomar ag dul siar ar na Séasúir agus na Míonna. Seo dhuit podcast chun na fuaimniú a cleachtadh.éasúir.mp3 Na Séasúir An tEarrach An Samhradh An Fómhar An Geimhreadhíonna.mp3 Eanáir Feabhra Márta Aibreán Bealtaine Meitheamh Iúil Lúnasa Meán Fómhair Deireadh Fómhair Samhain Nollaig Dia dhaoibh go léir!

Miss Jordan's Class @ Barwon Heads Primary School

Posted by Miss Kelly Jordan on Monday, December 1st 2014 During the past couple of weeks, we have been doing a feature article study in our writing lessons. Feature articles are written pieces we find in magazines, newspapers and online, where the writer provides information about a topic in an interesting and engaging manner and makes us care about the topic.

Keeping up with 4B...

Integrated Studies, School Involvement This post was written by Girija. On December the 1 st the Senior Constable Guy Richer came to talk to the Year 3 to 6 about bullying. He told us what to do when you are getting bullied. He told us how to control our emotions.

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