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Updated by Edublogs on Sep 07, 2021
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Best Individual Blog - 2014 Edublog Awards


Моменти от класната стая

Професионалният блог на Антоанета Миланова (by Антоанета Миланова)

Образователен блог

Хубаво е да има едно място в огромното Интернет пространство, където може да се намерят образователни материали за децата, посещаващи българските неделни училища. Какво по-хубаво от това да протегнеш ръка и да избереш от виртуалната лавица онзи свитък, който ще те поведе из дебрите на красивото българско слово, из величието на родната история или из красотата на нашата природа?

Learn Lead Grow

I would like to continue again this year! For each visit to my blog during November, I would donate a penny to help baby Adam Maldonado and his family. Adam has been through more surgeries and procedures in his short life time, than most of us have been through our entire life.

Mr Kemp | Mr Kemp's Blog

What is school? #whatisschool was again at 6pm EST this week and again we rocked it! Although we had many of our faithful away celebrating...

Free Technology for Teachers

ExamTime is a service that students can use to create flashcards, mind maps, and practice quizzes to help them study. After I published my chart of free mind mapping tools, the folks at ExamTime shared with me a mind map about creating mind maps.

Seomra Ranga - Resources for the Primary School Teacher

Resources for the Primary School Teacher

Mr P's ICT blog - Tech to raise standards!

A blog about using iPads to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom, especially Primary Education.

SpeechTechie- Technology, Apps and Lessons for SLPs and Teachers who like Words

SpeechTechie will help you find speech language pathology and technology resources for your lesson plans and therapy. This blog shows you the best free internet sites and apps related to speech and language goals

Langwitches Blog

Langwitches, The Magic of Learning. Modern learning that transforms education in the 21st century. Finding new forms and redefining learning for the challenges of the future .


For information on how to get your ad or logo placed here on our site, please click here to view our Media Kit. is a teacher, author, and parent who has earned her Master's of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and currently teaches second grade. She has previously taught first, sixth, and seventh grade.

The Principal of Change

Stories of learning and leading

Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension

Education musings, technology, and lessons; my life as a teacher by Pernille Ripp. (by Pernille Ripp)

Librarian in Cute Shoes

They dig, and rest, and eat their cookies and drink their milk. In hopes of finding something "spectacular", they come across nothing, but readers see what is nearby in the dirt -- a diamond. And the story continues, as the two get so close to the diamond, but keep digging in opposite directions.

Darcy Moore's Blog - learning leadership technology

Do you play video games? Lucy (7) and I are playing Civilization Revolution (CivRev) on PS3 with great gusto. Sarah (4) plays this same game on the iPad and we all enjoy each others company [...] cc licensed ( BY NC SD ) flickr photo shared by Darcy Moore I am currently listen to the live stream from TEDxLondon of the #EducationRevolution.


Alan Levine Barks Here

Learning with 'e's

learning, technology, education, steve, wheeler, social media, internet, mobile, school, teachers

My Island View

This morning I read a post from a higher education educator about the negative effects of Tech in lectures. The author was perplexed when he realized a great many students in his lecture hall were paying attention to Facebook, or attending to email during the course of a two-hour lecture.

Technology is Loose in the Library!!

Finally, I challenged my students to design their own Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons based on our favorite library books. I lamented that often the balloons are based on movie and cartoon character, which is fine, but wouldn't also be fantastic if the balloons reflected popular children's books!


During a conversation with my father over the Thanksgiving week, I realized that he had no idea what my job actually was. Now this may sound strange but truthfully when you hold a support role and you don't occupy a classroom for seven periods a On Friday I had the opportunity to teach coding to 5 kindergarten classes for STEM day at Eanes Elementary.

A Hive of Activities

I've been meaning to write this for some time. A year after starting the blog seems like a good time (!), especially as I've just finished the DELTA and have had the opportunity to reflect a bit more on lesson planning and materials selection. So, as you'll know if you've read the 'About' page, this [...]

The Diary of a Not So Ordinary Boy

This story is as close as I can get to a parable. I have written it to illustrate just one of the aspects of what happens when children with vastly different learning needs, such as SEN and EAL, are lumped together.


Critical Thinking: After researching, organize the information as questions in a logical order. To add an extra element to the research, have students make a list of the states that fits the question and add it to the map.

Diane Ravitch's blog

A site to discuss better education for all

  • The World's most popular education blogging service. Tips and tricks on integrating technology shared by the Edublogs team ( )

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