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Updated by Marjorie Clayman on Mar 17, 2013
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Margie Clayman - 100 Favorite Blog Posts of 2011


In Loving Memory » Gaga's Garden

by Susan Fox (aka @gagasgarden)

In May, it’s natural to think of our mothers. In this beautiful post, Gaga remembers her mother’s love for one of my favorite flowers, the peony.

You Don't Have to Die to Live

by Danny Brown

If this post doesn’t move you, you might not be human.

Why You Should Quit the Internet

by Julien Smith
The longer I spend in the online world (and I say this with all love and affection), the more this post resonates with me.

The Roundup: What I Wish People Knew

by Amber Naslund
Amber stirred up quite a posting flurry when she noted that we probably have a lot of facets and characteristics that our online world knows nothing about. In response, people started writing their own “What I wish people knew about me” posts, which Amber then proceeded to gather up into this awesome collection. Pretty nifty!

Suicide and Depression

by Steve Woodruff
Trey Pennington’s death inspired Steve to share his very personal story in the hopes that it would offer others hope. If you are going through a hard time, read Steve’s post and check out his e-book!

Hey Blogger, You’re Really Not That Important. Seriously.

by Marcus Sheridan

If you are in the online world, it’s pretty easy, what with all of the positive feedback you get, to start thinking that you are the best thing since sliced bread. This post wisely reminds you of the importance of staying grounded. More important words are seldom spoken in the online world about the online world!

If Today Was Their Last Day

by Dan Perez
This post clued me in to the soul of one Dan Perez. I agree with every sentiment, and unfortunately had to learn these lessons in very similar ways. It’s a must-read.

No More Public Call Outs

By Geoff LivingstonHow happy did this post make me? Um, like, woah. I hope everyone reads this one and fully absorbs it!

Social Media, Pretend Friends, and the Lie of False Intimacy

by Jay Baer
Trey Pennington’s death raised a lot of questions throughout the online world. Did Trey’s many online followers see this coming? Was there anything anyone could have done? Was there any way to intercede? I found this conversation difficult but highly memorable.

How adding one plugin boosted my blog traffic by almost 700%

by Mack Collier
Let’s face it, that headline is going to grab you. The funny and not so surprising thing is that Mack’s advice is, as always, just perfect!

A Different Blog Interview | 25 Bloggers Not Giving Advice on Blogging

by Brankica Underwood

The title pretty much says it all. Learn things you may not know but would enjoy learning about 25 great bloggers! Fun stuff

Blog Checklist: 60 Must-Have Items | Heidi Cohen

by Heidi Cohen

Speaking of someone who knows of what they speak, Heidi Cohen provides you with 60 awesome blogging tips! What could be better than that?

OMG! The Dumbing Down of America

by Peggy Fitzpatrick
Peggy published this masterpiece when she was still pretty new to blogging. Hard to believe, huh? She had the touch right from the start

Leadership, Vision and a New Birth of Freedom

by Lisa Petrilli
I still need to read the book that Lisa talks about here, but let’s face it, any post about Lincoln is going to stick with me. I think Lisa knew that, too

12for12k Supports Jodi's Voice to Combat Stalking

by Danny Brown
Don’t think for a moment that Danny Brown is lacking in the “heart of gold” category.He has you covered there. I had not heard of Jodi’s Voice until I read this post. If you have not heard of it, I highly recommend you read this post!

Many Careers, One You

by Ted Coiné (for
A lot of people these days stray from career to career. Ted points out that you don’t have to start from scratch every single time. You can take skills with you – and you should!

Essential Ingredients for an Exceptional Logo

by Paul Biedermann
Lots of people think that creating a logo is super easy…till they try to do one. Paul Biedermann lays out exactly what you need to know to make your logo sparkle and shine!

12 Most Imperative Must-dos for the Serious Blogger |

by Jay Baer
This post is sheer brilliance. Plus, how awesome was it to see Jay on 12most? Yeah…pretty cool

Social Media and the Journalist

by Deb Morello
Deb is a woman I admire a great deal. She is a journalist, she has worked her butt off, and she offers a perspective on social media (and on life) that I find invaluable. I was delighted that she agreed to write a post for me, and I think this is one of the best posts on my site, period.

Women Are Our Own Worst Enemies

by Gini Dietrich
Need I say more?

At the Business Table, Where are the Ladies?

by Carol Roth
Carol Roth is one of the most smart, most powerful women I know, and yet she still must put up with ugly, sexist behavior. You should read her tale of her book cover sometime. This post inspired me to really watch how women are treated in the business world and online with a more careful eye, and it has stuck with me ever since.

Blog Traffic Secret: Woo the Groupies

by Stanford Smith
The longer you stay in the online world, the more you see the wisdom behind this post. It may be something you need to experience to really understand, but trust me when I say it’s 100% spot-on accurate.

How to explain social media to your spouse

by Mark Schaefer

I don’t have a spouse, but I’m surrounded by family and friends who are not nearly as invested in the online world as I am. To say that this post resonated and still does resonate with me is a marked understatement!

Why Are Women Afraid of Foursquare?

by Maggie Fox
I still refuse to use FourSquare, despite assurances that it’s as safe as anything. Maggie Fox wrote over the summer about why a lot of women feel the way I do. However, she also notes some reasons that fear shouldn’t get in your way.

We First: An Invitation To Build A Better World by Simon Mainwaring Founder We First,

by Liz Strauss
Talk about an inspiring guy who makes you want to get up and get going – that’s Simon Mainwaring. Liz does a great job here of highlighting why Simon is so admired and how he wants to change the world.