Photoshop has made it possible for people to spoof the most popular brands. From live skits to Internet ads the world of advertising is susceptible to the occasional advertising parody. These comedic pieces of fake propaganda play off scandals and pop culture to assure their relevancy in today’s culture.
No ad agency was used in the making of this Taylor Swift spoof. This fake advertising scheme is for a “drug” that prevents the popular Taylor Swift songs from taking over. This commercial came out on the heels of her new and highly anticipated CD.
This funny ad explains why the luxurious Bentley is such a green car. The claim is that the car is so expensive that only a few people can afford it, thus reducing their footprint from Utah deserts to sandy beaches.
Many Utah and other landlocked states turn to frozen fish for their seafood fix. On the coattails of the UK scandal revolving around eating horses, came this parody asking people what they would do without fish.
Hot wheels came out with an ad so clean it could have been done by an advertising agency. This ad pokes at the new Volkswagen and their lack of new and exciting cars.
Around the release of the newest iPhone came this advertising blunder. The cracked Samsung resembled the claims made about the bending iPhones. This spoof was supposed to resemble that of a Kit Kat advertisement.
This spoof shows the true colors of Facebook. Any agency would find humor in the reality behind this ad, and students from Utah to the East Coast would find it relatable.
Starbucks’ environmentally friendly coffee sleeves are called out in this advertising spoof. This type of PR is what any advertising agency fears. This is one advertisement that had people wondering just how many of those sleeves are floating around the world.
This is a series of spoofs done by the same company. They play off the drug and alcohol commercials where parents ask children about the serious topic of abuse. This smart advertising is a tactic used by their agency to create buzz.
Ciera Putnam is a marketing writer. She writes for Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah. Find her on Google +
Modern marketing is pure chaos. Consumers are revolting against stagnate companies and abandoning traditional media in droves. Only those who adapt will succeed. The revolution is in full-swing.