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Updated by Soubin Nath on Nov 15, 2014
Headline for Specialized Lenses in Still Photography
Soubin Nath Soubin Nath
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Specialized Lenses in Still Photography

There are specialized lenses used in still photography in order to increase or alter the quality of photograph or set the angle of view of photos. Let's go through and choose the correct for your photography.

Fish-eye Lens

A fisheye lens is an ultra wide-angle lens that produces strong visual distortion intended to create a wide panoramic or hemispherical image

Macro Lens

A macro lens is classically a lens capable of reproduction ratios greater than 1:1, although it often refers to any lens with a large reproduction ratio, despite rarely exceeding 1:1.

Prime Lens

It's a photographic lens whose focal length is fixed, as opposed to a zoom lens, or it is the primary lens in a combination lens system. It can add quality in pictures and a soft focus effect.

Ultraviolet Lens

UV Lenses using light from the ultraviolet (UV) spectrum only. It's differ from usual color photography.

Ultra Wide Lens

An ultra wide-angle lens is a lens whose focal length is shorter than the short side of film or sensor. Any lens under 15 mm has considered as ultra wide lens in still photography.

Apochromat Lens

Apochromat Lens,is a photographic or other lens that has better correction of chromatic and spherical aberration than the much more common achromat lenses.

Super Telephoto Lens

The Lens used in astrology, wildlife and sports photography. It offers focal length over 300 mm.

Swivel Lens

A swivel lens is a lens that freely rotates while attached to a camera body. They are used on some compact digital and video cameras (camcorders). These lenses make it easy for a photographer to aim a camera without moving around too much.

  • Born and brought up in Kerala, India. Now in Mumbai, India doing first year of my Masters in Film Studies (M.A)..

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