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Updated by Jakub Prószyński on May 26, 2017
Headline for Lektury #14
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Lektury #14

Siła profili prywatnych na Facebooku [social media]

Jak często klikasz lubię to, albo piszesz komentarz pod wpisem jakiejś firmy? Jak często zdarza Ci się w ogóle polubić profil firmowy? A teraz zadaj sobie to samo pytanie, ale wstaw zamiast firmy, profil Twojego znajomego. Albo osobę, którą śledzisz na Facebooku, chociaż niekoniecznie znacie się z widzenia.

Facebook Doesn't Care About Your Reach - And Neither Do Users

AUDIO VERSION: I also recorded an audio version of this blog post. Click below to listen. Let me know if this is something you find helpful!] On November 7, Facebook announced a new change that would make it easier for users to unfollow friends and pages that overwhelmed their feeds.

How to turn your visitors into brand ambassadors

The brand ambassador is a highly coveted but oft-elusive tool in the marketer's arsenal; the golden snitch of the marketing world, if you'll forgive a "Harry Potter" reference. If brand ambassadors are what you crave, you're in luck.

How To Promote Your Blog With Content That Will Grow Your Traffic, Links, and Shares

This is a contribution from Gary Dek from . Starting a blog is easy. Step-by-step tutorials to creating a blog and one-click CMS installations have ballooned the number of online blogs to over 200 million. But creating a blog isn't the part you should worry about.

Facebook Marketing Tips: The Best Advice, Tried-and-Tested

As we work together to figure out the Facebook News Feed and to find organic ways to boost reach and engagement, we're bound to come across a flood of tips on how to get more out of our pages and updates. There's a ton of advice out there. Where should you begin?

The lazy person's guide to personal branding

You have a personal brand, whether you like it or not. Thanks to the Internet, everyone can present a shiny, online version of themselves as a quick way to cash in. Personal brands are no longer just for stars like Oprah or Beyoncé.

How to Test Blog Post Titles With Twitter

Are you choosing the best titles for your blog posts? Would you like an easy way to test headlines before you publish? Good titles lead to higher engagement and more click-throughs. In this article you'll discover how to use Twitter to choose the best titles for your blog articles.

Marketing jako nowa kotwica społeczna - jestDyskusja

Marketing jest ważny. Żyjemy w epoce nadmiaru produktów i usług a nowe potrzeby są tworzone przez specjalistów dosłownie każdego dnia. To jedna , całkiem bogata strona medalu. Mam jednak taką myśl, że marketing może być o wiele ważniejszy z powodu tej drugiej. Z góry zaznaczę, że ten wpis nie ma na celu nikogo do niczego przekonywać.