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Updated by Fusion 360 on Jun 01, 2018
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8 Erroneous Myths About SEO

The Internet provides the public at large with more information than it will ever know what to do with. But this gift is a double-edged sword. With mass information comes mass disinformation.

SEO is utilized by companies from Utah to the East Coast. Because SEO is an ever-evolving practice due to changing algorithms developed by Google, there is a lot of false speculation floating around the Web.


About the Writer

About the Writer

Mitchell Reber is a writer for Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah. Find him on Google+

SEO Is Dead

Search the keyword “SEO” and it won’t take long to find an article with a headline containing the phrase “SEO Is Dead”. It isn’t. When people claim that SEO is dead what they are most often referring to is that devious practices (black hat tactics) that have been rendered useless by Google’s new algorithms.

PPC Boosts Organic Ratings

Though PPC and SEO work well in tandem, PPC alone will not boost a website’s rankings in the organic section. reports that Google, Bing and Yahoo! have effective barriers in place that don’t allow for the crossover.

Loading Content with Keywords

A long outdated practice that used to help bolster a websites’ ranking was loading the site’s content with keywords. This is a black hat tactics Google began to frown upon years ago.

Google Fixed the Game

A lingering attitude toward Google’s beefed-up algorithms is that it was a power move intended to force sites to use Google AdWords. Bottom line: the intention behind creating more stringent guidelines was improving search engine results.

A Website Only Benefits from the Top Ranking

While having the number one spot on a web search is idyllic, ranking anywhere on the first or even second page is still valuable to most websites. Ranking number five for “plumbing Utah” is certain to drive web traffic.

It’s a Quick Fix

SEO is a time and work intensive endeavor. It typically takes a website two to six months to get sites high rankings in the organic section.


There is an ongoing debate between which is more effective: SEO or PPC. Being able to pin down quantifiable data is nearly impossible. Pairing both together, however, maximizes site traffic.

Social Media Doesn’t Matter

Social media does, in fact, play a helpful role in providing approved backlines to a site.

  • Modern marketing is pure chaos. Consumers are revolting against stagnate companies and abandoning traditional media in droves. Only those who adapt will succeed. The revolution is in full-swing.

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