Hstry is a digital learning tool where teachers and students alike can create their own interactive timelines. Embedded social features promote collaboration and engagement between students.
Using myHistro, you can combine maps and timelines seamlessly into one great presentation, convert any public timeline into a personal pdf file, or export it into Google Earth format for offline storage. All completed timelines can be embedded into your blog and websites for maximum exposure.
There is a time traveler in each of us. Whether you are a freshman history student or a project planner, Timeglider can quickly enhance your experience of the past, present, and future. Once you've explored a Timeglider timeline, you'll wonder why you've never seen information organized like this before.
If you're using the TimelineJS Google spreadsheet template, first make sure the cell you want to modify is set to Plain Text - "Format > Number > Plain Text." Then simply enter the year (e.g. 1994) or month and year (e.g. 7/1979).
Help children plan a story or prepare for a special event, or let teens review memories and stories from the past. The Timeline tool allows them to create and organize events-real and imagined-that automatically become active links, letting users navigate easily among events on the Timeline.