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Updated by History of Bad Parties on Feb 14, 2016
Headline for Aspects of Aspergers: Resource Collections
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Aspects of Aspergers: Resource Collections

A meta-list of collections of links related to aspects of Adult autism, Asperger syndrome - blogs, vlogs and articles

Social Stories

Selected posts about social issues related to Asperger's Syndrome: growing up and trying to learn social skills, making friends (or not), solitude VS loneliness and self-acceptance.

Tony Attwood - Series on SpazioAsperger Associazione

(Don't worry: it's in English)

Sensory Integration Stories

Selected posts about sensory integration issues related to Asperger's syndrome / autism: hypersensitivities, sensory overload, sensory perception and reality quirks, and sensory coping strategies.

Executive Function Stories

Selected posts about sensory issues related to Asperger's Syndrome and autism relisted from the list "Aspects of Asperger's: related stories".

(a sub-list)

Job Stories

Employment and Asperger's / adult autism: work histories from different industries.

Autistic Psychology Stories

Recommended posts about mental health issues & recovery in relation to asperger's syndrome / adult autism.

Aspergers and Autism Resources

Resource collection by Musings of an Aspie: recommended books and online resources.

also consider

Resource collection by Notes on Crazy: recommended books, blogs, posts, other online resources, apps and software.

"I have found these things to be helpful/informative/interesting/awesome/relevant. Check them out! (Note that most of this stuff is ASD/autism/Aspie related, but not all . I do care about other stuff, especially mental healthy stuff like mood disorders and eating disorders, and hey, sometimes I just like having fun times on the internet.)"

Letters from Aspergia: Links and resources

Links and resources by Letters from Aspergia.

"This is a list of links and online resources relating to Aspergers, autism, and disability in general. It's an ongoing project, so if you know of something you think should be listed here, tell me about it."

Essential Reading

Aspects of living with asperger's / adult autism: selected posts by Musings of an Aspie.

"There are close to 200 posts on this blog, which can make it hard to find what you're looking for. I've put together a loosely categorized list of essential topics on this page as a starting point for new readers."

Adult Autism

Selected posts by Lori of A Quiet Week in the House.

"I write about autism as a parent of an autistic child and as an autistic adult. My expertise is Asperger's syndrome, which I experience as a daughter, mother, and diagnosed person. This page contains links related to my observations as an autistic adult. As you read, I hope you find some of yourself along the way, regardless of neurology."

Posts I'm most proud of

Selected posts by the Third Glance.

"Welcome to The Third Glance! Thanks so much for stopping by. These are some posts that I am particularly proud of, either because they are well-written, or because they really embody my personal journey with Autism, or both. Usually it's both. Please check out some of the posts below."

Asperger's in Higher Education | Catastraspie

At work I help to raise awareness of Asperger Syndrome in Higher Education (18+ college or university) among staff and students at my institution by contributing to training sessions run by the Disability and Dyslexia Team. This is the team that also supports students with Asperger's and mental health issues. I often get asked for copies of my handouts, so I thought I would try putting some of the information on here.

Caveat: The examples are based entirely on my own experiences as a university student, 3 years as an undergraduate and 5 years as a postgraduate student. I make no claims that they will apply to others, but hopefully some aspects will resonate.

Survey: Sensory Sensitivities and Work/School Strategies | Musings of an Aspie

Take-a-Test-Tuesday survey: the comment track is a goldmine of insights, well organised because the responses are numbered according to the survey questions. It gives a sense of the variety of sensory sensitivities and coping strategies applied by a huge variety of persons with sensory processing problems.

Wrong Planet - Autism Community

Wrong Planet - Aspergers and Autism Community.

Autism in Pink Documentary (English) | National Autistic Society

The Autism in Pink project was an EU Lifelong Learning Programme funded partnership between four European organisations to research and educate about autism (including Asperger syndrome) in women. The project gathered a group of women with autism in each country to attend workshops using the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI Cummins 2005) as a structure.

Animal Companion Stories

Recommended posts about friendships with companion animals, especially in relation to Asperger's Syndrome / adult autism.

Job Search Tips & Stories

Employment and Asperger's / adult autism: Job search advice and job search experiences (good and bad).

Asperger's and Motherhood | Musings of an Aspie

This is a series of posts about being a mom with Asperger's-- a combination of reflections on how Asperger's affected my parenting experience and advice that I wish someone has given me when I was struggling to make sense of being an unconventional mom.

Asperger's and Marriage | Musings of an Aspie

Lessons from an Aspergers-NT Marriage As a woman with Asperger's Syndrome who's been married to a neurotypical partner for 25 years, I've found some surprising benefits to an aspie-NT partnership. I've also encountered some serious challenges. This series summarizes 12 lessons that my husband and I have learned (often the hard way).

In Australia, gaining affordable supportive services for Autism is dependent on whether or not you qualify for NDIS (that is, if NDIS has already been rolled out into your area). It also depends on your age! Some may encounter challenges locating support services for those aged 18 and above. I won't explore the reasons for…