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Updated by Roger Renteria on Jan 31, 2018
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LavaCon 2014 Slideshare

Here is a list of presentations found on Slideshare from the 2014 LavaCon Conference on Content Strategy and User Experience.

"Write Tight(er)"-LavaCon, Oct 12, 2014

A fast, pain-free technique for creating concise, compelling, less-costly copy

Structured Business Process Modeling - Lavacon 2014

In this presentation, Dr. Damrau will cover how she uses one business process modeling (BPM) methodology to gather current and future-state content requirements. This data can be analyzed for process improvement or automation of existing paper-based workflow processes.

Forget "Predict" the Future -- Create the Future! keynote

Keynote presentation for 2014 LavaCon conference in Portland, OR

Content/Communication: Lavacon 2014

As content professionals, our jobs require more cross-team collaboration than ever, and that means it's getting tougher to delineate our disciplines.

Free falling towards a Content Strategy

Being tasked with developing an enterprise wide content strategy can be both an exhilarating and daunting experience. The same thing could be said about jumping out of a plane!

Building Business Value From Community Participation

More interaction sounds nice, but what’s it really worth to your business?

Convergence of UX and Technical Communication

Presentation for LavaCon 2014 on the convergence of user experience design and Technical Communication.

Finding Success After Defeat: Content Marketing Lessons from the Frontline | Adria Saracino

We only ever hear about successful content strategies, but sometimes it takes a lot of bumps and heartache to reach the top. Adria will share real content strategy projects that failed and provide tips for not following in the same steps.

Misty Weaver LavaCon Empathy in Editorial Strategy 2014

Working the Content System: Building empathy in editorial strategy. Focus on the internal audience to build systems and bust silos, while increasing likelihood of successful processes and projects.

Partnering with Key Stakeholders in UX Strategy

Before your work will ever reach the end users you are designing for, there is another audience: stakeholders. As a User Experience (UX) professional, you need to partner effectively with product owners, engineers, executives and other key stakeholders.

Need to reboot your content creation strategy? Start with "No"

Learn how the Windows 8 team determined their content strategy, and the principles they adopted to maximize their content resources.

Content strategy vs. The Undead

Implementing a content strategy often involves overcoming significant technological and cultural challenges, but some of these challenges are so scary, so heinous, that they earn a place among the undead because they Just. Won’t. Die! In this session, Bill Swallow will take a look at these nightmare-inducing monsters—from unrelenting copy-and-paste zombies to life-draining, change-avoiding vampires—and show you what can be done to keep your content strategy implementation from turning into a fright fest.

Content Auditing: How, Why and When

Content audits can be mind-numbingly boring and time consuming. They require an incredible amount of patience and curiosity. But, they are an absolute necessity for all businesses, as they manage their digital content assets.

Modeling in the Real World - at LavaCon2014 in Portland, OR

At LavaCon2014, I spoke about how to use User Experience techniques to create useful, flexible, and durable taxonomies to support integrated omni-channel customer experiences.

LavaCon 2014: A Printer, Desktop, and Tablet walk in to a bar.... Creating TechCom Nirvana

Presented at LavaCon 2014 this presentation takes a look at content best describe as "Content is not a tool for marketing. Content is a strategy for successful business."

Ditching the Desktop: One Vendor's Leap to Hosted Documentation

Software vendors increasingly provide their products as hosted services, accessible via online APIs and clients. The timeframe for marketing new features and functionality is often short; tight-knit agile teams write, test, and deploy updates within single short sprints.

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: How to Move Your Word Authors to XML

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: How to Move Your Word Authors to XML

Do you need your Word authors writing in structured XML? Old dogs can learn new tricks! This session provides a fun but helpful take on a serious topic.

Secrets to Content Initiative Success (Gollner Lavacon 2014)

10 (7) Secrets to Success inContent Initiatives by Joe Gollner @joegollner

The Wall has Come Down: Integrating our Online and Offline Worlds (IoT / Wearables)

Thesis: There are no longer discrete online and offline worlds. Holding onto this idea is hurting our communications.

In this session we take a look at the medium and long-term implications of wearable devices and the internet of things. Walking through a journey of realisation across 2 years, we'll go through what it means to content when you take omnichannel, wearable devices and the internet of things and put them together in one integrated ecosystem.

Multidimensional Content Strategy: A Plan for Dodging the Oncoming Train

The model of 4D content is one that takes into account not just the length and width of a content asset, but looks at content in a systematic way, where we look at 'depth' ( related content, social layers, 'drill down') and 'time' (dynamic, contextually-appropriate content).

What holds brands back from creating engaging, effective content typically isn’t talent, but rather a complex cobweb of rules, regulations and business processes that get in the way.

The best content marketing brands embrace a “culture of content.” They have a collaborative spirit. Leaders know how to articulate visions. Messaging foundations are documented. Approvals are swift and nimble. And creative professionals have the resources they need to execute engaging content in real time.

TechComm 2020 - Get ready to be part of the content era

General Session Keynote Presentation at Lavacon 2014. Get ready to be part of the content era

Content Strategy and IA: what the Hell?

n 2007 Rachel Lovinger said, “Content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design.” But today, the fields of both content strategy and IA have grown, and practitioners face a new challenge: discovering where one leaves off and the other begins.

As content strategists we need to understand our role, but we also need to listen to IAs so that we can move from frustrations to mutual respect and communication.

Lavacon: What Is User Research?

A presentation breaking down how Content Strategists and Technical Writers can get involved in the greater User Experience process.