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Updated by Wisconsin Promise on Jul 23, 2018
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Benefits Counseling Resources for Youth

Did you know you can work even if you receive disability benefits? It’s true. If you have disability benefits and want to work, program rules called work incentives make work possible. The following resources are tools you can use to manage your benefits or work off of your benefits, be more self-sufficient, and increase your income.

Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWEs) - Work Incentives - Wisconsin Promise

If you pay for items and services related to your disability to help you do your job, those expenses can be partially reimbursed within your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment. Social Security refers to those expenses as Impairment Related Work Expenses.

Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE)

The Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE) is for youth who work and receive SSI. It allows eligible students to maximize their earnings while they work. Not as much of someone’s earned income is used when Social Security calculates the SSI payment. This means, you keep more of your SSI while you are working and using the Student Earned Income Exclusion.
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Benefits for Youth in Transition

As youths who receive disability cash benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) move into adult life, it’s important to be aware of changes and available supports. Understanding the changes and using the supports will help in making a smooth
transition into adult pursuits such as post-secondary school, work, and general independence.

This Fact Sheet outlines some of the major disability benefits programs of the Social Security Administration and how they relate to youths transitioning to adulthood.

Social Security's Section 301

Social Security offers many work incentives to you on your path to employment. Section 301 is one work incentive you should know about. The full name is Section 301 Payments to Individuals Participating in a Vocational Rehabilitation or Similar program.

BadgerCare Plus (BC+)

BadgerCare Plus is a Wisconsin Medicaid Program that provides health insurance to low-income adults and families.

You can apply for BadgerCare Plus at You can also contact your local Income Maintenance agency to find out how to apply by phone, in-person or using a paper application.

SSI and Working Scenarios

Even though your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment might be lower if you work, you will have more total income every month. Check out some examples of people who receive SSI and what happens when they go to work.

Continued Medicaid coverage for Individuals who Work 1619(b) - Wisconsin Promise

You may already know that people who receive SSI in Wisconsin automatically qualify for Medicaid coverage. But did you know that Medicaid coverage can continue even when work earnings are high enough to stop your SSI payment?

Under a work incentive called 1619(b), Medicaid automatically continues when work earnings cause your SSI payment to stop.

Deeming -Process for determining which assets and income count for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a needs-based benefit. This means eligibility and payment amounts are based on your income and assets. Your SSI eligibility and payment amount may also be affected by the income and assets of someone close to you. The process for determining which assets and income count is called “deeming.”