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Updated by Nick Kellet on Nov 13, 2015
Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
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Curated 2012 Predictions & Trends?

Posts, slidedecks and videos on the best predictions for 2012. The most shareable.

Feels free to add you own posts and vote on the current ones.

12 Content Marketing Predictions

12 speakers from Content Marketing World they tell us their most prescient content marketing prediction for 2012.

SapientNitro 2012 - Digital Innovation

Insights 2012, a new annual report that examines the key marketing trends and digital technologies that will impact businesses in the year ahead. Through a comb

Social Media: 4 Predictions for 2012

I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present.

Future of MKTG: 46 Experts Share predictiona

Last week, I explored “The Future of Social Media” and based on the positive feedback I decided to look into the crystal ball one more time and see what the

What Social Media Will Look Like in 2012 | Digital

Here are the top 11 predictions for what social media will look like in 2012.

Five Social Media Trends for 2012 | Social Media

It's that most wonderful time of the year ... time to predict the future as we close out the year! I think my 2011 social media predictions were pretty solid,

12 Marketing Predictions for 2012

Marketing Predictions for 2012 | International business news blog ‘The Conversation’ from Conversis the professional translation agency