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Updated by Ms. Thaler on Oct 09, 2014
Ms. Thaler Ms. Thaler
10 items   9 followers   0 votes   78 views

10 Phone Apps for English Students (and Teachers)

10 Apps Students can use on their phones.


A website and an app. Teacher or student can make the vocab lists on website. Students can use their phone as a virtual stack of flashcards.


For schools that don't have smart responders, socrative lets students use their phones to answer questions and teachers get immediate feedback.

A Free Student Response System for Teachers

ExitTicket is a student response system with shareable assignments.


A useful app for students to keep track of homework and assignments.

ResponseWare: Audience Response Solutions | Turning Technologies

Like Socrative and others, it's a way to turn a computer or phone into a smart responder (clicker). Turning Technologies TurningPoint, data collection solutions and assessment tool with an interactive audience response feature that collects responses.

MindConnex - Learning Made Easy - Shakespeare in Bits Titles

Shakespeare in Bits offers modern translations and help for students struggling with Shakespearean English.
MindConnex Learning offers an easier way to learn and teach using rich, contemporary multimedia designed to engage all the senses and create empowering, relevant and personalized learning experiences.


An app some of my old co-workers used and swore by - more for teachers than students.
Teachers, try ClassDojo! Students love the positive feedback and learn much faster. Plus, now you can instantly message with parents!




Calendars, Forms, Sites - all are useful for teachers and students.
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.




Ways to take the discussion of texts outside of the classroom.