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Updated by Joseph Addison on Oct 04, 2014
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10 Tips For New Forex Traders

XE - Currency Trading and Forex Tips

These articles discuss currency trading as buying and selling currency on the Forex market, trading basics, tools and techniques, and also contains a glossary of commonly used Forex Terms.

Forex Trading Tips - 20 things you need to know to be a successful trader

Forex has caused large losses to many inexperienced and undisciplined traders over the years. You need not be one of the losers. Here are twenty forex trading tips that you can use to avoid disasters and maximize your potential in the currency exchange market. To profit in trading, you must make recognize the markets.

How I made money on 89 consecutive forex trades | ForexLive

Nick Reeves, 35, is a full-time forex trader who lives in England. He explains how he made 89-consecutive profitable trades by buying EUR/CHF. Let's get one thing clear from the start. I don't recommend this style of trading. 99% of my trades do not have a 400 pip stop loss.

Option Binaire - Stratégies de Trading sur options binaires

L' option binaire est une option d'un genre simplifié. En effet, vous ne devez que prédire la hausse ou la baisse des cours sur lesquels vous avez posé une option. De ce fait, elle est parfaitement négociable par toute sorte de publics, y compris par des débutants non-initiés aux métiers de la bourse.