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Updated by Listly Curator on Oct 18, 2016
Headline for 150 Best Breast Cancer Blogs - Listagram #35
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150 Best Breast Cancer Blogs - Listagram #35

October is breast cancer awareness month and this week's feature is a great collaborative list of breast cancer blogs to follow. Halloween Costumes from the 90s, Ted Talks for students are some of the other great lists we came across this week.
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150 Best Breast Cancer Blogs

Listly power user, Marie Ennis-O'Connor, makes a list of best breast cancer blogs on the web. Please feel free to add your suggestions to grow this great resource.

Bringing the 90s Back from the Dead: 10 90s Pop Culture Costumes for Halloween

This Halloween is all about bringing back the decade that gave us online music sharing, plaid everything, the saying "as-if", and Alanis Morissette's angry break up song of the century. You can go as your favourite character, like Angela from My So-Called Life, or as an idea, like whatever teen spirit smells like.

9 Best TED Talks for your students

EduCanon makes a list of TED Talks that are great watch for your student at home or in your classroom.

150+ Christian Blogs You Should Be Reading (2014)

It's time for Christian Piatt's annual list of top Christian blogs. A great community driven list of blogs for the Christian reader.

100+ Canadian Books: Now Chime In!

49th Shelf makes a list of Canadian books to read. Chime in with your favorite!