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Updated by Jakub Prószyński on May 26, 2017
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Pijaru Ficzery #26

LinkedIn Looks to Retain User Trust With Simpler Terms of Service - SocialTimes

The terms of service provided by social networks and online businesses are probably the least-read, most-agreed-to legal document in history. By not reading these documents, users put a lot of their content up for monetization without even realizing. LinkedIn has attempted to tackle both problems by streamlining its terms of service, and telling users how their content will be used.

Pocket z darmowym Premium dla studentów i świetnymi aktualizacjami aplikacji - AntyWeb

Rywalizacja pomiędzy usługami z kategorii „zapisz na później" była zawsze niezwykle zacięta. Pocket, Readability i Instapaper rozwijają się naprawdę dynamicznie i co jakiś czas każda z nich potrafi nas czymś pozytywnie zaskoczyć. Pokcet nie jest najlepszą z nich, ale lubię ją najbardziej, a ostatnie nowości należą do tych naprawdę udanych.

Google Chrome is Getting a Hidden Endless Runner Game

Google has added an endless runner game into Chrome Canary, in which you attempt to survive as a cute T-Rex dinosaur by jumping over cacti. The game is only accessible when the browser detects you're offline, on the 'Unable to connect to the Internet' error page.

Instagram's Hyperlapse update: use of front camera added - Inside Facebook

Instagram on Thursday announced an update to its Hyperlapse app (currently only for iOS). Now, Hyperlapse users with the updated app can use their phone's front-facing camera to take time-lapse videos. An Instagram spokesperson described the update: Creating a #selfielapse is as simple as tapping an icon on the app's home screen, which toggles between the front- and rear-facing cameras.

Google is finally-finally!-giving up on forcing people to join Google+

Remember the old days, when Google sincerely thought that Google+ was the future of Google? That future is no more. As of this month, Google no longer automatically creates a Google+ account for new users to Gmail. Quartz confirmed this by creating a new account. A Google spokesperson said the company updated the sign-up process...