Each story map web app has step-by-step instructions for creating and publishing your story. Some apps are available hosted on ArcGIS Online. Others can be downloaded and configured. No developer skills are required, but JavaScript developers can easily customize any of the apps.
Once upon a time... [wait no... that's too cliche]. It was a dark and stormy night... [we've all heard that one before]. Just the other day... [hmmm... getting better...] Let's be honest - one of the hardest things to decide is where to start your story.
"I want to study engineering at MIT. I've still got two years until I graduate high school, so I'm trying to learn everything I can... I can write the perfect essay telling you how to make cables, but I still need to work on keeping my hand steady.
“Those who tell the stories, rule the world.” — Hopi Proverb