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Updated by Soubin Nath on Sep 30, 2018
Headline for 10 Mistakes of Indian Politics
Soubin Nath Soubin Nath
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10 Mistakes of Indian Politics

India is a democratic country which has the legacy of 6 decades. For Indians, freedom is not just a present thing but their futures of the past. Indians grabbed their liberation from Britishers and made a new arena of democracy in front of the entire world. On these processes, we learned to walk in straight with democracy by some falling. We understood and understanding from those and created and creating a new ‘Rama Rajya’. Let’s go through that.


1. Pakistan Sepeartion of 1947

1. Pakistan Sepeartion of 1947

India got freedom when rest of the world remains slept, but along with that the heart of the nation has separated from it. That was a British policy executed by Muslim minority leaders. Our leaders including Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi etc were also responsible for that. The Country has become two, three pieces.
The Pakistan Hindus migrated to India and our Muslim brothers refused to stay here. The world has seen the biggest migration in the history. There were conflicts between the Hindus and Muslims, millions of people had died.
More than that ‘mistake’ India lost the National Father, Naturam Vinayak Godse shot mahatma Gandhi for his affectionate attitude towards Muslims. Nehru quoted India remained in darkness, India can’t replace Bappuji.


2.Tashkent Contract by L.B.Shastri of 1965

2.Tashkent Contract by L.B.Shastri of 1965

It was the 1965 Indo-Pak war. Indian Army protested against the Pak soldiers who attacked India first. Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Prime Minister on that time. He uncovered his image of a soft minded man and enacted strongly and bravely for India. We defeated Pak army in that war and made 1000s of their soldiers as prisoners. We had occupied until Lahore of Today’s Pakistan.
But the mistake was happened when Shastri visited Tashkent for the treaty conference of war. On 196,Jan. 9, under the mediation of Sheikh Abdullah the war countries conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. On that conference L.B. Shastri signed the contract to release the Pak soldiers in Indian jails and to give back the land points occupied by the Indian army,
Shastri was himself aware about the mistake that he had done. He was the most disturbed man in the world in that night, he knew he has betrayed the Indians and became panic about his arrival to India. Next day morning 2am, he died because of Cardiac arrest .


3. Emergency by Indira Gandhi (1975)

3. Emergency by Indira Gandhi (1975)

On 1975, June 25, Morning, the Alahabad High Court judgment was proclaimed that cancels the election of Indira Gandhi, The Prime Minister of India. On that night 11, the capital of India, Delhi went under darkness. Electricity blocked in the newspaper offices of the city, very silently privately Indira Proclaimed Emergency in India.
The human rights has demolished. There was opposition in the Parliament. The party offices had closed. All political leaders went hidden; remaining had put in to prisons. There were no media rights. Indira Gandhi had become the editor of all the newspapers in India. It was a non forgivable mistake on Indian public.
Indira’s son Sanjay Gandhi, looked to controlled the population by doing vasectomy on India men. The males from 16 to 61 went through that and government presented them transistor radios.
All apprieted Indira in Limelight. They quote “India=Indira”


4.Cancellation of Emergency by Indira Gandhi (1977)

4.Cancellation of Emergency by Indira Gandhi (1977)

On 1977, June 18, under the report of Intelligence Bureau which said that public support of Indira had boosted because of Emergency, she cancelled it and proclaimed election. On that time, the opposition seek-out from the holes and protest against Indira Gandhi. The Lokh Dal party leader, Jayaprakash Narayan united the opposition parties and advocated against Indira and ruling party Congress.
But Indira realized her mistake when the results were out. In the largest populated state of India, Uttar Pradesh, Congress scored nil. The condition was same in states like Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana. The Congress escaped from a large failure because of state like Kerala. Andra Pradesh and Karnataka. The party score 154 seats in overall and got out from power.


5.Appointment of J.S.Bindranwale in Punjab (1984)

5.Appointment of J.S.Bindranwale in Punjab (1984)

Jernail Singh Bhindranwale was a sikh saint in Punjab (northern state of India). He was assigned by Congress in Punjab to solve the issues of Akalis (concentrate group in Punjab) in 1970s. But Bhindranwale alined with Akalis also the Pakistan and he protested against government to form Akalistan, a separate nation for Punjabis. He used Golden Temple of Amritsar as the headquarters for his terrorist activities.

Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India was successful to clear off him and Akalis from Amritsar by Operation Bluestar of 198, June 5. In that operation 492 people had died and temples of Sikhs bathed in blood. It converted Sikhs against Indian Government.
1984 October 31, Indira Gandhi had shot by her own security guards, who were Sikhs. The mistake not ended only there. The death of Indira Gandhi raised blood of congress. They killed Sikhs in the Delhi streets, ravished 1000s of sikh women. It had become the blood written facet of Indian project. The Anti-sikh Riot grabbed the lives of 3000 sikhs.


6. Sri Lankan Policy by Rajiv Gandhi (1987)

6. Sri Lankan Policy by Rajiv Gandhi (1987)

On 1987 Srilanka experienced the worst civil war in the country by Tamilians for their rights. The Srilankan p President Jayawardane asked India for the Army force to resolve those. The Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi took the decision in just 30 minutes. India sent 48000 soldiers to Lanka named IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). But after that the situations had changed. The war had become IPKF and Tamilians. The Lankan army laughed apart by seeing the fights of Tamilians and Indian Force. In 1989, Rajiv Ganghi called back the army which was less by 1000 who had given their live not for their country.
It had made a worst impact of India and Rajiv Gandhi in their minds.They strongly believed that India Crushed their peace. India had paid for that mistake. In 1995, May 21, when Rajiv was in his election campaigns at Chennai (southern state of India)- Thanu- human bomb blasted with him. We lost our PM in that, another darkest chapter enclosed with our history.


7.Liberalization by Narasimha Rao (1991)

7.Liberalization by Narasimha Rao (1991)

When Narasimha Rao elected as the PM of India in 1991, India was experiencing a great economical crisis. We were in the debt of 55%. Rao along with his Finance Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh proclaimed Liberalization in India on that year. Because of that India achieved a sudden economic growth in 1990s. India liberalized the foreign policies and privatizes the markets of India.
It was a mistake which demolish the Indian human resource. The Indian countrymen had get-out of his properties. They migrated to cities. India developed without considering its agriculture. The foreign hands disturbed single moment of our entrepreneurs. Many People lost their job, land and family values. Many people, social groups and cultural forums protested against it but Indian PM showed his silence as expressive as possible.


8.CPI(M) refused to be PM (1996)

8.CPI(M) refused to be PM (1996)

After 1996 parliament election, no party has obtained majority. After A.B. Vajpayee (Barathiya Janata Party leader) got out from the throne of PM by just 13 days whole political India seek for a substitute. The older lion V.P.Singh was reluctant to accept the offers. So. Then the ball went to the post of Jyothi Basu, The Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Everyone including Basu was ready to accept that but expect his own party (Communist Party of India, Marxist) because of the reason the Congress was supporting the government from outside.

Jyothi Basu called it as a perfect mistake. That chance was utilized by Devagauda (Janatha Dal Party leader). When considering the current political condition of Left in India it was such a golden opportunity to rule the world’s largest democracy and to enalrage their political foundations in India.


9.Rahul Gandhi as PM Candidate of UPA 2014

9.Rahul Gandhi as PM Candidate of UPA 2014

It was not a spontaneous decision of United parliament Alliance (UPA) to select Rahul Gandhi as their PM candidate but it was evolved from the over electrified political strategies of opposition alliance National Democratic Alliance(NDA) and their leader Mr. Narendra Modi. On those days, BJP and Modi had grabbed the primetimes of media and effectively executed their policies. Congress along with their leader Rahul, tried to tackle the middleclass and youths of India but get defeated continuously by the diplomatic reflections of Narendra Modi. His mother and other political godfathers supported Rahul as far as possible.
But the results were predictable. Public was fed-up with UPA and their policies. The denied government of corruption but all verdicts sounds against Rahul. Election washed-off all points of UPA and NDA won more than they expected. BJP acquired simple majority by themselves in Lokh Sabha. Congress was out of 3-digit and concluded in only 44 seats.


10. Narendra Modi as PM

10. Narendra Modi as PM

I can’t able to point this as mistake by Indian public now because this government has just arrived in to power. This government has many things to be proven. But the current decisions by BJP and Modi finger to the next mistake of Indian Politics.

Narendra Domodardas Modi is very transparent in his Hinduism. He started his corporate affinity since from his first day. He technically managed his enemies from the part itself. L.K.Advani forgot his wish to be the speaker of Lokh Sabha. We can’t even remember the face of Murli Manohar Joshi in active politics. Modi is ineffective to control the commodity prices, even though his government increased the fares for Railway. The ‘Rama Rajya’ of Narendra Modi remains in his speech only. He is also in the way of Congress and Manmohan. The past by-election results also point to the realization of public from their ’Mistake’.