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Updated by Gareth Hill on Oct 04, 2014
Gareth Hill Gareth Hill
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5 Things You'll Need When Setting up a New Office in Swindon

Are you a business owner in the Swindon area about to set up new office? Here's a few tips to help make for a smooth transition.



Design a user friendly layout

Design a user friendly layout

In order to create a positive and productive work environment that fits the requirements of your business it's crucial that you get the layout of the office spot on for both you and your staff.

You'll need to consider certain aspects, of course, in order to get this right: the amount of space you have, the number of people who'll be working there, considering the balance between an open plan environment and the need for some private spaces for meetings etc.

It's also very important, in a modern working environment, to consider the comfort of your employees. How best to avoid over clutter, allowing where possible for as much natural light to come into the office and perhaps suitable areas for break times if necessary.

Whether in some of the traditional older building within Swindon centre or at some of the newer office complexes on the out of town business parks, one should always consider the layout and how best to maximise this in the way most appropriate to your company.


Suitable Chairs and Office Furniture

Suitable Chairs and Office Furniture

Getting the right chairs, desks and other office furniture is an important part of creating a new, productive office for your business.

Creating an ergonomic working environment can certainly help improve the efficiency of you and your staff when at the desk. At a basic level appropriate chairs and furniture can simply make you more comfortable and, as a result, happier to crack on with some work.

More importantly however, it is a vital part of ensuring the health and safety of those who work in the office. Chairs which offer spinal and lumber support and workstations which allow for correct positioning of PC screens and keyboards (eye-level screens and no over-reaching for example) play a large role in reducing work-related health problems such as back or neck pain, headaches and repetitive strain injuries.

Not only is this a consideration to your staff but plays a part in reducing sickness absences which can be costly to the bottom line.

Get the Right Printers, Scanners and Photocopiers for your Office

Every office needs to have hardware, equipment and machinery that fits their needs and makes the business run as smoothly as possible. And while one might think that print is becoming less of a factor in an increasingly digital world, the reality is that businesses STILL require documents copied, printed and filed in traditional ways.

In addition to this, with workforces growing ever more mobile, there is now a demand for wireless and online based link-ups so those working remotely can share and print with those office based colleagues.

Of course, the needs of every office and business will vary, which is why it's important to work with specialists suppliers of printers, copiers and scanners, such as Office Evolution in Swindon, who can tailor your equipment to the office in which you work.

Ensure you have adequate Insurance

As with moving into any other kind of property it's important when setting up an office that you have the correct level of insurance to protect you against unlikely but possible occurrences.

This might be covering the office and contents against things such as crime, flooding or fire or perhaps you need cover in the event of staff injury or illnesses or liability in dealing with clients.

Each business will have circumstances unique to them and, for peace of mind from day one, having insurance which covers those circumstances is a vital part of setting up a new office.


Computer System

Computer System

Ensuring you have the right computer system for your office is another vital component of successfully setting up a new office.

With Swindon located in England's so-called silicone corridor there are plenty of options and consultants based locally who can offer expert guidance to ensure that you get the system that's right for your business, offering advice on such considerations as:

  • Which type of computer is right for you
  • How Many Computers do you need?
  • Tablets / Desktop /Laptops / All-in-Ones?
  • What is the right and most robust high speed internet connection for you?
  • Storage and Protection of data and files - Cloud or local storage?
  • Setting up a system which is robust enough for both today and having the capacity to cope as your business grows.