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Updated by Patrick Holt on Jan 20, 2023
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Patrick Holt Patrick Holt
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Minecraft Resources

MinecraftEdu Resources

Here are the Resource Packs (RP) and MinecraftEdu maps I have made or adapted for various projects at South Grafton Public School. Feel free to download and use. Please note that some MinecraftEdu blocks may not be available in Minecraft.

Minecraft and MinecraftEDU in the Classroom

I submitted a new professional development program to the CILC this evening for " Minecraft and MinecraftEDU in the Classroom." The CILC's website ( The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration) is the primary videoconference-based professional development resource I use to advertise after-school videoconferences I teach for other teachers on a variety of technology integration topics.

Minecraft Resources

Click on the links below to access Minecraft in Education Resources. If you would like to submit a resource to the list, feel free to use the Contact form!

Ideas for Using Minecraft in the Classroom

As is the nature of sandbox games, players can roam free, choosing objectives as they go. Because Minecraft has such open possibilities and potential, the teacher can choose how he or she wants to use it. Just as the student has the ability to be creative, the teacher has the same.

Minecraft in education

Minecraft can be an educational tool that facilitates cooperation and teamwork among players. Minecraft can have huge educational benefits for children; it can help teach numerous subjects both with and without adult involvement. Learning in Minecraft can be faster than traditional methods of education, as children are often far more motivated, get more practice, and feel that what they are learning is useful.

Antarctica MinecraftEdu Project

August 30, 2014 by ulmarrapublicschool · 4 Comments · Education Lately on Fridays 5/6C has been treated to a Friday with a virtual world education specialist "Mrs Booth". We have been studying Antarctica and we have had the chance to build an Antarctic base using MinecraftEdu.

Minecraft Club Hub

Welcome to the Minecraft Club Hub, home of the Toronto District School Board / EDGE Lab Multi-School Minecraft Space! Click here (or the side bar) to access pages from Agnes Macphail P.S., Duke of Connaught P.S. or Highland Heights Jr. P.S. ! We'll add links to other pages as they are created.

Teacher's Guide to setting up a Minecraft server at your school

In early 2011, I set up a small multi-player Minecraft server in my school library, using school computers. In early 2012, I set up a second multi-player Minecraft server as part of our much larger Multi-School Minecraft Server Project, a single server hosting 30 students from 3 schools.

SIXTY SEVEN Minecraft activities for learning, all FREE! - Smart Apps For Kids

Our recent posts about Minecraft-themed learning activities made clear that many of you are as excited about this kind of activity as I am (or that your kids and students are just as obsessed as mine are!) So I am sharing a whole collection of FREE activities featuring a Minecraft...

MinecraftEdu World Library

Four colored teams can now compete in this challenge. Home blocks and teleporters are used.

How Minecraft Teaches Reading, Writing and Problem Solving

Last month, Scientific American declared "..." not only is Minecraft immersive and creative, but it is an excellent platform for making almost any subject area more engaging." A nod from a top science magazine to the game many parents wish their kids had never heard of. This, following Common Sense Media's seal of approval.

How Videogames Like Minecraft Actually Help Kids Learn to Read | WIRED

Brecht Vandenbroucke Minecraft is the hot new videogame among teachers and parents. It's considered genuinely educational: Like an infinite set of programmable Lego blocks, it's a way to instill spatial reasoning, math, and logic-the skills beloved by science and technology educators. But from what I've seen, it also teaches something else: good old-fashioned reading and...

The 10 Best Kid-Friendly Minecraft Channels on YouTube

If Minecraft has taken over your kids and you hardly know who they are or what they're talking about anymore, you're in good company. But, although you may love that the game helps build 21st-century skills such as creativity, innovation, and collaboration, your kids' obsession can be overwhelming.

Free MinecraftEDU Server Remote Control Options for Mac Users

Next week I'm starting a three part, six day MinecraftEDU lesson with my 4th and 5th grade STEM students which will be a mathematical "building challenge" similar to but a little different than what I had students do last year.