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Updated by theidler on Mar 15, 2013
theidler theidler
31 items   1 followers   6 votes   457 views

Far Left Parties in the UK

Far Left-Wing Political Parties in the UK

Socialist Party of Great Britain

Home page of the World Socialist Movement.

Socialist Studies

The interest of Socialist Studies is not academic but political. Socialist Studies aim is to hasten further social development; to bring about a change from the present, capitalist, social system to a world-wide socialist system of society through which the interest of the working class can be served, and class society finally abolished.

Socialist Workers Party

Socialist Workers Party, a revolutionary, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-imperialist party based in Britain.

Socialist Party (England and Wales)

Socialist news and socialist policies, with Marxist analysis, socialist campaigns, anti-war campaigns, support for workers' struggles, Socialist Books and more


Britain’s rulers and their media have made a fine spectacle of their stupidity in response to the Occupy London campsite. You really couldn’t have made it up, Neil Faulkner explains.

Anarchist Federation

The Anarchist Federation is a UK based organisation of class struggle anarchists working for a revolutionary change to destroy capitalism and create a free and equal society.

Socialist Resistance

We're looking for new members!

Socialist Appeal, Marxist voice in the British Labour movement

Revolutionary Communist Group

Revolutionary Communist Group- Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

Socialist Labour Party Homepage

website of the socialist labour party in britain, with news, information, events, our policies, contacts and more.

IWCA - Independent Working Class Association - nat

The IWCA (Independent Working Class Association) is independent of the main political parties and aims to give working class people the opportunity to directly influence their political, social and physical environment.