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Updated by Leann Burke on Sep 19, 2014
Leann Burke Leann Burke
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Simple ways to beat boredom

College is the most exciting time of people’s lives. If you are feeling bored, you should take it upon yourself to fix it. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but there’s always something to do if you think about it.


Get to know someone you’ve never talked to before.

Get to know someone you’ve never talked to before.

It sounds super corny and obvious, but talking to someone you’ve never met exposes you to a whole series of events you’ve never lived. Sure, you may have things in common, but chances are if you meet a random stranger, you’ll learn something about that person and maybe even something about yourself.


During your free time between classes, just walk into recital hour in the Green Center for Performing Arts.

During your free time between classes, just walk into recital hour in the Green Center for Performing Arts.

The people on that stage want to play music for a living, so they won’t care in the slightest if you hear them play. I’ve done this myself, and it is a good change of pace, especially if your pace is fast and stressful. It can be very relaxing.[enter image description here]( "enter image title here")


Wander into the office of a professor you’ve never had and ask them questions.

Wander into the office of a professor you’ve never had and ask them questions.

These people are experts in their field. Even if it’s something you’re not interested in, they may have some insight to ideals or opinions you’ve never encountered before, so just ask them questions.


Invite your whole floor to a movie night.

Invite your whole floor to a movie night.

Get a television or a laptop, pop a bunch of popcorn and go crazy. Movie nights can be a fun way to get to know people, break up the monotony of constant homework and make you instantly more popular. Even if nobody pays any bit of attention to the movie, people will have a good time just doing something different with new people.


Make new food items.

Make new food items.

We all have to eat, so why not find a way to make a sandwich using pizza slices as the bread? There’s no limit to imagination or the eternal hunger of college undergrads, so go wild. Ask your art major friends to help you, or you can even Google recipes for pasta and replace the noodles for Ramen.