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Updated by Nicko Gibson on Jun 11, 2021
Headline for Ronald McDonald Insanity Awards
Nicko Gibson Nicko Gibson
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Ronald McDonald Insanity Awards

Vote for the best of Ronald McDonalds Insanity Series.
Ronald is nominated for all the songs in this award series.

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 11

YouTube user yufguf567 has re-uploaded some of these that disappeared from YouTube.

Ronald McDonald Insanity 1 (The Original - Reuploaded)

Another wacky Ronald McDonald clip from nicovideo. No words can describe this. This is based off of a song called "U.N. Owen was her" Flandre Scarlet's theme from a game called Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil - AKA Touhou 6.

Ronald McDonald Insanity Episode 2

Mp3: The Story: Ronald is on a chair starting to get high, when a phone call interrupts him. He talks with the girl, hangs up, and resumes getting high. After a period of getting high, the same girl calls him again. The call gets dropped, so Ronald calls again.

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 1 (Alternate)

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald I guess you could call this Mcrolld 2 Not made by me M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 9

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Bring your friends, dance till you drop dead . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald X (10)

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. He had to do it. Its the only way for Ronald Mcdonald to take over the world. Make a remix of a Pokemon track . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 12

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Apparently this is Mcdonald's new employee training video . . .

Ronald McDonald Insanity Episode 3

Mp3: Its out! Not by me. Did you know that these are his different forms? The ones used in this vid were: In order: 1.Joker Ronakd 2.Alien Ronald 3.2 headed Ronald 4.Levitation Ronald 5.Mega multi face Ronald 6.kaleidoscope Ronald?

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 3 (Alternate)

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. This one is well made by one of the mind-slaves of Ronald Mcdonald.

"Ran Ran Ru" - Original Japanese McDonalds Flicks

A strange, almost hypnotizing series of micro flicks that ran in Japan.

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with the horrors the internet brought us.

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 5

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald.

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 8

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. What do you get when you mix Ronald Mcdonald with classical music? A hypotizing pile of shit . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 7

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. Watch this video before eating a meal. It will help digestion . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 13

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. This video will be showing at all McDonalds restaurants by next year . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 14

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Super Smash Brothers Brawl: Special Ran Ran Ru edition will be hitting stores next October . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 15

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Apparently, Ronald McDonald wants to have his own porno . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 16

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. The NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NHL, and Arena Football bought the rights to play this video during timeouts . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 17

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. The Kirby/Ronald McDonald plush doll at the end of the video will be the next line of toys in Happy Meals . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 18

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. This video will reach down to the darkest depths of our souls . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 19

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Wondering why so many Pokemon remixes? Well doesn't Ronald McDonald want to be the master of them all?

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald XX (20)

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. This video is known to make people cough up their own lungs. You been warned . . .

The Horrors of Ronald McDonald 3

Be perpared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. He always haunted us on cyberspace. Now he stalking us one by one. Until we give in . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 22

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald Mcdonald. After you watch this video, you better sleep with one eye open from now on . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 23

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. Ronald McDonald is currently building a Dance Club in Downtown Los Angeles . . .

The Insanity of Ronald McDonald 24

Be prepared to lose your freaking mind with your host, Ronald McDonald. This video will lead you into a false sense of sercuity . . . Don't let it fool you. Not made by me M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M Super Mario Bros.