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Updated by Fusion 360 on Sep 18, 2014
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Best Places to Advertise Online

The Internet is massive. It’s about as endless as the Universe. This allows for so many options when it comes to advertising your business or agency online.

Google AdWords

Everybody knows that Google is the biggest search engine out there today. AdWords are pay-per-click ads that appear when people search certain keywords. You can get quite specific with how your ad is displayed. AdWords are great for local advertising. For example, a company in Utah can set keywords relevant to their local market.

Bing Ad Center

Bing is the second largest search engine online today. Although it is has a smaller audience than Google, it’s an effective route while saving money as purchasing keywords is less expensive.

Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook is a great place for businesses of all kinds. Facebook uses Pay Per Click advertising tactics, similar to many other online advertising. But, the great thing about Facebook ads is that they allow you to include an image with your text so your product is getting exposure even if the ad isn’t clicked on.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn ads are unique in the fact that they allow you to create targeted ads aimed at other professionals and businesses on LinkedIn. This allows you to target businesses local to you. Businesses from Utah or California can target their ads towards people who are looking for services in their area.

7 Search

7 Search goes through smaller, niche market search engines to show your Pay Per Click ads. This niche market shows your business or agency to exactly those who may be looking for it while being the cheapest keyword option.

Twitter Advertising

Advertising on Twitter is a much more expensive route for advertising your business or agency as it is a quiet form. The price makes it a better venue for bigger companies. Twitter is currently working on a program for small businesses that will be available shortly.

StumbleUpon Paid Discovery.

Stumbleupon is still pretty unknown to the mass market but actually drives more website traffic than both Facebook and Twitter. The great thing about it is that users set their interests so when your page pops up, it is most likely something they are looking for. That way, someone who is interesting in skiing in Utah may find your local ski shop.

Yellow Pages Online

The Yellow Pages website is the online version of the phone book we all know and love. Yellow Pages offers advertising along with listing your business in their address book. It’s great for those looking for a business locally.




Kate Giolas is a writer at Fusion 360, an advertising agency in Utah. Find her on Google+.

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