The Devils' Lair is a Strike mission in Old Russia. The Devils' Lair takes a Fireteam of Guardians through Old Russia while battling Fallen and Hive ene...
Deep within the Hellmouth, the Hive are breeding powerful abominations to unleash upon the Earth. Find the pit where they live and stop any new horrors f...
The Golden Age legends tell of ancient tunnels below the Academy, where a Vex machine once ate away at the planet. Descend into the old dig sites and find..
As the Vex march to claim the Ishtar Sink, the Fallen House of Winter are raising a powerful Archon, stolen from the Prison of Elders in the Reef. Find t...
Just beyond their warbase, Valus Ta-aurc, Fleet Commander of the Cabal Siege Dancers, hides in an Imperial Land Tank. Fight through his guard and stop th...
A Strike is a cooperative game mode available in Destiny. A Strike is a structured, progressive, cooperative adventure "ideal for pick-up groups or friends