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Updated by Hayley Swinson on Sep 08, 2014
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Travel Blogroll

Adventurous Kate

I love the beginning of September. Even though I haven't been a student for eight years, September has always felt much more like the new year to me, rather than January. The seasons change. Habits change. Fashion is revolutionized. It's my favorite month for travel in many regions of the world, and there's no better time to visit Europe.


Every young, avid traveler dreads this moment: one fine day your mum and dad will show up to your temporary place of residence, all dead serious eyebrows wrinkled, to ask you when are you going to stop wandering and settle down.

Breathedreamgo - The Meaningful Adventure Travel blog

The Meaningful Adventure Travel Blog by Mariellen Ward: I tell stories about transformative travel -- the kind of travel that changes you. Breathe, dream and go travel, volunteer, explore!