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Updated by bratya raisu on Sep 24, 2014
bratya raisu bratya raisu
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Email Marketing

email, marketing, traffic

100+ Free HTML email templates | Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor makes it easy to attract new subscribers, send them beautiful email newsletters and see stunning reports on the results.

The Ultimate Guide To Successful Email Marketing

What's this guide about? We've written The Ultimate Guide To Successful Email Marketing to give you a framework for setting up your email marketing from scratch and optimizing your campaigns over time. We've pulled together the steps in this guide based on the highly segmented and targeted email marketing campaigns we've seen our customers send...

Email Marketing campaign checklist- 8 quick but crucial best practices

by Email Marketers Checklist- 9 Quick But Crucial Email Actions Andy Newbom on April 14, 2014 in Best Practices | Email Marketing | Optimization | Targeting 54 Flares Twitter 14 Facebook 9 Google+ 4 LinkedIn 22 StumbleUpon 0 Buffer 5 Email -- 54 Flares × There are two primary types of commercial emails-transactional and marketing.